Chapter 3: A weird dream

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Delirious POV

I woke up the next day feeling like crap. Last night was terrible, Evan probaly thinks im a pussy for being scared of storms. I shifted in bed and i felt... different from last night. I fliped my body to face the other way but instead i came face-to-face with a sleeping Vanoss. "EV-" i covered my mouth fast befor he woke up but i was too late. "Oh.. Morning Delirious"
"Mour.. Morning" i stuttered like a idiot slightly blushing. Evan sat up and stretched
"sorry about that but i walked by and you seemed to be having a nightmare so i slept there to watch over you to make sure your ok"
"Its ok, thanks" i said as Evan stood up
"Did you have a nightmare?"
"Do ya need to talk about it?"
"NO" i said almost yelling "i.. i mean no its alright"
"...allright, imma make breakfast, time for PUNCAKES" he yelled as he walked out into the kitchen. I laid down on the bed and remembered the nightmare from last night.

I heard another stick break behind me but i didnt look back i just krpt running "Delirious, or should i say Gay Fag, you cant run" Tyler mocked chasing me
"HAHA Can you belive he likes guys" Mini laughed following Tyler
"HAHA I know right?! I guess only this Shitbag" Basically added. I just kept running, not knowing where to go but just keep going

Another stick, they were getting closer and i was slowing down

20 feet

15 feet

I could do this, just one boost of enery and I'll be gone
But, the worst thing happened and i tripped "lookie here" Tyler said standing over me "Im sad you ever called me a friend" he said clenching his knife
"You deserve to die, Fag" Mini added raising his
"Im gonna enjoy this" Marcel added raising his and so did Wildcat
I closed my eyes
"Help me Evan, I Love You"


I bolted up "Hey Jon, PUNCAKES are ready" Evan said as he walked back to the kitchen.
"I need some Puncakes" I said following Evan to the kitchen. As I walked closer to the kitchen the scent of puncakes filled my nose. "Mmmmm" i hummed as Evan grabbed me and him a plate and put a few puncakes on with syrup and butter. As soon as the plate touched the table infront of me i devoured them "These are really good" I said mouth full of puncake
"Yep, im amazing" Evan gloated and i rolled my eyes. As we both stuffed our mouths I saw out of the corner of my eye Evan staring at me. It was strange but i kept on eating.

"I better head home" I said cleaning my plate
"Alright cya soon i guess" Evan chuckled and so did i
"Yea i guess" i said walking out his door and back to my house

Vanoss POV

Jonathan said he l..loved me. Nonono it was just a weird dream he had, yea a really weird dream, right? Hmmm only one way to find out, Experiment time!
Sorry it took so long to get this chapter school sucks BUT only a week left WOOT WOOT
Thx for the support i love it
Cya later

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