David Mason x Reader

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   In this chapter, your going to replace woods in the first mission from bo2, ' Pyrrhic Victory ' let me know what you think in the comments, and i apologize if there are some mistakes in spelling or grammar, German is my first language. Not english. Hope you enjoy. xx
Requested By: @_SaveTheBestForLast_
Word count: 755
Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2
You couldn't feel anything. Your hands were numb, and your limbs were sore. You haven't eaten in days. You don't remember the last time you have even looked at food. Now here you were. Stuck in a crate, full of your dead team. Flies filled the inside of the crate, the smell was terrible as the bodies have been decomposing for days.

You tried falling asleep, but you just couldn't. It was cold, and you were half naked. There was blood scattered on the walls. ' I'll never make it out alive ' you thought to yourself. But all of a sudden, you hear a loud splash in the water, people yelling.. but they didn't sound like the normal voices you would hear... ' Americans? ' you thought.

All you could hear were gunshots. Many of them. Yelling, you couldn't make out the voices. Not with this head injury. You could only think about one thing. David. You've been together for 2 years now. All you wanted was him. No one else. You were terrified you'd never get out. " Mason! Lend me a hand! " You hear.. Hudson? No, it couldn't be. It would be too much of a risk to come and save you anyways. They wouldn't do it... right?

" Y/N! " You hear. You can't make out who's voice it is.. Alex, maybe? Alex had been one of your best buddies for awhile now. Suddenly, you felt happy. Were you going home? " Y/N!" Alex rushed over to you. " Holy shit.. what'd they do to you.. " Hudson and Alex both grabbed you, standing you up. Maybe you did have hope. That all went away when you heard more gunshots. A helicopter flew above your heads. " Protect Y/N! " was the last thing you heard.
—- Time skip—-
You were finally home. But the memories didn't go away. All of the torture, it finally got to you. You were all shaken up. You would barley let anyone near you. " How you holdin' up? " You hear a familiar voice call out. The footsteps got closer, you looked up and saw him. " David? " your voice cracked and shallow. He stepped closer to you. The sound of his boots on the floor terrified you even more. You tried crawling away, but there was no use. You were against the wall on a hospital bed, and you were too weak to get up, or try and keep him away.

" It's okay, hun.. I'm not going to hurt you. " He spoke softly. He took note of how much you were shaking. He took his time coming closer to you, seen as you were terrified of everything. Who wouldn't be after months of torture? He reached his hand out and stroked your face lightly with his thumb. He looked all over your body. There were bruises and cuts all over. But no matter how many scars you had, he would always love you the same. He moved his hand lower to intertwine with yours.

" It's been rough without you. " He started. He slowly got onto the bed with you, wrapping his arm around your neck, and his free hand traveling towards your lower back. Pulling you closer towards him. " I've been worried sick about you.. every time they would come back without you.. it pained me. " You could see his eyes start to water. He carefully laid on his side, and pulled you close to him. He held you tight, like someone was going to take you away from him in that moment. You felt safe and warm. you snuggled up into his chest, burying your head into his neck.

He ran his fingers through your hair, and traced circles on your back with his palm, lightly patting it every now and then. He kissed your forehead, then your cheek, and tightened his grip on you.. if that was even possible at this point. " I love you so much, Y/N.. words can't even describe it. " He took a long pause. " I'll never let anyone hurt you.. not again. " He said as he slowly locked his lips with yours. " I love you.. David.. " you said quietly, as you let out a small smile. You fell asleep in his arms, safe and sound.

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