Chapter Twelve: Sin's Brother

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Sirius and Regulus rarely communicated within the confines of the Hogwarts castle. Though he would never admit it, Sirius hurt greatly to see letters flow in from his family's owl and arrive only at the Slytherin table. Every now and again, Mister and Misses Potter would tell James to carry on love from them, but their lines on parchment paled in comparison to the idea of words from his parents. While it is true, Sirius' parents were not exactly loving people– quite the contrary, they were often cold and appeared unfeeling– but they were still his family, for better or worse.

Regulus only spoke to Sirius when the situation called for it, today was one of those days. "Sirius," Regulus said in an even tone.

"Regulus," Sirius responded, biting back the urge to refer to him as 'Reg' something he was more than accustomed to. "Careful hanging around the Gryffindor table, wouldn't want your perfect reputation to be tarnished by the likes of your only brother."

"It's not my reputation I am worried about, can I see you outside?"

"Please, Regulus," Sirius said exasperated. "If this is about dear old mum and dad's opinions on my life choices, then you can save it. I already know."

"Not everything is about you, Sirius," Regulus said, measured facade crumbling with his rising tone. "Outside, please."

"How polite, I could never refuse," Sirius said with a mock polite tone. "Excuse me, boys," Sirius said to his friends before standing up and following his younger brother out of the Great Hall. Once the Great Hall was no longer in sight Regulus turned to face his brother.

"We need to talk," Regulus said.

"Our biannual chat, of course," Sirius said with malice. He did not know what his brother was so serious about, but they rarely spoke and the fact that he had already been dragged away from his friends was seriously irritating him. "Is there a reason this particular chat had to be in private?"

Regulus sighed, "This isn't like when mum and dad ask me to update you on Cissy's wedding, this is worse."

"Worse?" Sirius said, beginning to be nervous. "Is everyone alright at home?"

"For now," Regulus said ominously.

"Quit beating around the bush, what's going on?"

"Andromeda's been disowned."

Sirius looked as if he had been hexed, the words actually had a physical effect on him, "What?"

"She ran off with some mudblood–"

"Don't say that," Sirius cut back.

"Sorry," Regulus said quickly. "She ran off with some muggle-born guy, Tom, mum said."

"Ted," Sirius corrected.


"Ted," Sirius said again, louder this time. "Ted Tonks."

"How did you... She told you... Why in the hell wouldn't you stop her?" Regulus said infuriated.

"She was in love!" Sirius shouted. "I couldn't very well tell her to break off the greatest happiness she's ever felt."

"She said that?"


"That she was in love with him."

"Yeah, this summer," Sirius admitted.

"Family dinner," Regulus said slowly, finally understanding. "That's why you two snuck off."

"You always were the smart one," Sirius laughed. "I knew something was wrong so I confronted her... she was terrified, Reg." With just that nickname, they fell back into a brotherly relationship, even if just for a second.

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