36 || the completion

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Once again, I was stood in front of Timothée's house. The last time I had come to New York with him he had been looking at this house, he'd taken me here to view it together and we both loved it. I guess he really must have because it was even more beautiful now.

It was a brownstone, located in Manhattan. There were cherry trees outside that gave it some more privacy, and the outdoor gate had been fixed. I recognised the doorbell straight away. It was an art deco finish that we'd found at a flea market in Paris.

It was like a dream to be back here with pieces of our love still hidden in his life. I pressed the doorbell and waited.

My cuticles had become a peeling and bloody mess on the flight back over here, and yet again I found myself pulling at them. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, having not slept at all on the flight my eyes almost looked bruised and my hair was thrown up into a dishevelled mess on the top of my head with a hair clip.

Each second that went by and the door continued to be unanswered my heart picked up speed. Then the door opened.

There the man that I loved stood in basketball shorts and a huge t-shirt. He was still wearing the same silver necklace.

I didn't dare make small talk to insult him further.

I felt the words rising to my lips and for so many years I had been swallowing them and yet this time I could not any longer.

"I love you T."

There it was. The truth and for the first time it wasn't painful to admit, I didn't feel vulnerable. I felt honest and I stood by my words.

His face broke out into a grin I'd never seen before. He looked like his face had been broken and beaming out of the cracks was pure sunshine.

He pulled me to him by my waist causing me to drop my bag in his doorway. I wrapped my arms around his neck. The sensation of having anticipated this for so long and yet it finally coming to realisation stole my thoughts and breathe.

I finally got to look into those eyes for what I had been waiting to see for years.

"Say it again." He whispered into my mouth.

I cradled his face in my hands. "I am head over heels, drowned in the deep end, hopelessly in love with you Timothée."

He picked me up and my legs wrapped around his waist instantly.

"T." I whispered into his ear. "Take me to your fucking bedroom already."

He bought his face to mine and kissed the space between under my jaw gently. He gave me goosebumps.

"Tell me your mine." He demanded.

I rested my forehead against his, his presence finally putting me at ease. Realising that what I'd been searching for all these years, the answer would always be him.

"I'm yours, I'm all yours." I smiled and bit the inside of my cheek. He put me down for a second.

"What about him?" My stomach dropped at the question. Why did he have to ask that?

I just shook my head. He caught my eye. "What did he do?" I ran my hands through his hair.

"I don't care T, I'm with you. Please, let's just go upstairs." I tried to avoid the subject again.

"We have all the time in the world Cara. But if someone hurts you - I need to know."

"I didn't even love him anymore, it doesn't matter." I caught his face in my hands. "Because I'm with you. I'm finally with you."

𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇 ME|| 𝐓IMOTHÉE 𝐂HALAMETWhere stories live. Discover now