09 | indescribable

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"Yeowww!" Lou called from the table outside the bar. She was sat with Adele, Léo and Cameron. 

Her calls caused them all to turn to see what she was looking at.

I looked to Vivien for moral support to see her proud gleam. 

"I am loving this dark-side, rock and roll, vampire, bad girl version of Cara." Lou continued. 

I pointed to Vivien.

"This was all her doing I take no responsibility." I held my hands up. Vivien went inside to order our drinks and I sat with Cameron. 

Cam was a bit of a mystery to us all, he was one of Vivien's friends. He studied art and kept to himself but once he got comfortable he was hilarious. 

He was brilliant with quick jokes and sarcastic wit. 

I'd been avoiding Adele a little bit this week, every time we met up she mentioned Timothée to some respect and getting Lou to ask me questions about him. I didn't need to think about him tonight, tonight was just for me.

"How've you been?" Cameron asked in his Italian drawl. 

Vivien handed me my drink and went to sit with Adele and Lou, they seemed engulfed in their own conversations.

"I've been good. My professor is setting so much work it's killing me to keep up, other than that it's fucking surreal honestly."

"The change looks good on you though."

"Thank you."

"I'm sure it'll feel easier once you get to find your own pace and routine." I nodded and asked about him. 

"Same as you pretty much, it's a bit harder because I don't have any flat mates so meeting people was difficult up until now. But then I met-"

"Me." I interrupted and we laughed.

"Yeah I met you, and everyone, and I'm really glad I did. How come Charles isn't here tonight?"

"He's on a date."

"Lucky man."

"God yeah, I miss dates they're so much fun."

"You haven't been asked on a date yet?" I shook my head in response. "Hmm." He mused.

We kept talking about our weeks and turned to the group to become included in the greater conversation. 

He wrapped his arm around me, and I didn't mind. I liked it. I liked having some sort of affection shown to me and I didn't feel bad about that. 

I saw Adele give me a weird look and Vivien winked at me. I grinned and winked back. Adele and Lou started talking. 

"Come talk with us." Lou said, before I got up, Cameron caught my hand quickly and let go of it slowly. His look was easy to read but my feelings were not. "What's up?" I asked as I sat down.

"So?" She asked.

"You and Cameron?" Vivien finished. Adele's face was confusing. I shrugged.

"Come on spill." Lou urged.

"I don't know. He's hot, he's funny, he compliments me, he asks about me, he talks to me." I made a slight dig at Timothée. 

"He looks a bit like Timothée." Adele remarked. My face twisted. What the fuck was that supposed to mean?

"Adele, just because the boy had dark curly hair doesn't mean he looks like T." 

I let the 'T' slip out, fuck.

"I think he's hot either way. Besides it's not about what any of us think it's about what you feel." Vivien interrupted diffusing any tension.

"Look, Adele, I know you're friends with Timothée - that's cool but I don't owe him anything. He's literally dropped off the face of the earth. 

I don't know, I like Cameron I just, don't look smug any of you or I'll kill you, I keep thinking about what it was like with Timothée at the worst fucking times." I said trying to address any rift. 

Adele and Lou smiled a little. I took a drink before I continued. 

"But it's so beyond weird, like I don't even know Timothée, I know Cameron better, I've met Timothée twice and yet ... 

And yet I felt something so indescribable." I wiped my mouth. "But I don't want to think about him anymore it's stupid." I tried to dismiss.

"Maybe it's not." Adele said trying to act casual.

"I haven't heard anything from him for a month and our last encounter was ... odd, would be the only word I could describe it without cringing." They all smirked at my answer.

I looked up to see Cameron tapping me on the shoulder. "Want to get a drink?" I smiled at the rescue and took his hand. He followed me to the bar and whilst we waited for our drinks we sat on the stools. 

"I realised I hadn't told you how beautiful you look tonight." 

His brown eyes pinned mine down, I felt comfortable with him. He wasn't the kind to judge. That night I loved his eyes, they reminded me that eyes can look at me like ... that.

"Oh?" I countered.

"Mhmm and that would be a real shame." He got up and moved closer. He placed his hands on my thighs. 

His hands were cooling on my legs and I was enjoying this, I was enjoying feeling desired and wanted - I mean jesus christ he was good to flirt with. 

I put a hand on his chest."Maybe later." I whispered, my lips so close to his if he had edged them just a centimetre closer they'd be touching. 

He dropped his lips to my ear. "You're playing with me Cara." He kissed my neck. 

"And what if I am?" I whispered back. He drew me to him suddenly his hands on my waist. 

"You can only tease for so long." My legs were practically wrapped around his hips. I got my clutch, downed my drink and grabbed him by the hand. 

We were only a five minute walk from the apartment. 

Lou and Adele called out to us as we came outside. I turned to Cameron and spoke in his ear. "Let's go. Come on." 

We could hear Adele and Vivien keep calling out at us but we didn't care. His hands were on my hips, sometimes a little lower.

I was engulfed in the spontaneity, I was in love with the adrenaline and I knew what I wanted. 

"We're here." My voice sounded urgent. His arms were holding himself up off of the doorway to the building which I was leaning on. I pulled out my keys. He tried to snatch them to hurry up the process. 

"Not quick enough." Without a moment to collect my thoughts his lips were devouring mine, I was too focused on how good it was all feeling, how finally I was going to be satisfied to think. 

I didn't think about why Lou and Adele were calling my name so loudly as we left, I didn't think about all of Adele's comments and you know what, I didn't think about T.

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