Chapter 7

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Killua sighed and leaned against the car, "You almost done?"

I ignored him and continued to work on the car, "You know, you could help me instead of standing there, it could be way quicker..."

Killua blinked a couple of times and nodded, he then took his shirt off and went underneath the car with me, I blushed as I felt his arm brush again mine, he turned his head to face me causing me to blush even more, I quickly turned my head away.

"Now here's the problem, there's a leakage, its an easy fix, let me." He said, I nodded and quickly left his side.

I leaned against the car and after a good while he was able to fix the leakage. He came from underneath the car and walked up to me...

"Good to go?" I asked turning my head towards him, but once I did, the first thing I noticed was the sweat dripping down his abs, I felt like there were butterflies in my stomach, I avoided his gaze and tossed him his shirt. As I was about to open the car door I was blocked  by his hand slamming onto the door handle, I flinched and stood still.

My heart began racing, "Killua, we should get going..."

"That doesn't explain why you were looking at me, even when we were back at your place, I caught you staring." He said leaning slightly closer to me, I shivered as I felt him breathing down my neck.

"S-sorry about that, lets just go..." I said looking back at him, he smirk and I then felt his hand being placed on my waist and sliding my shirt up slowly. He turned me around to face him.

"Come on...lets just have a" He said looking at me with lust....

I blushed and closed by eyes as he leaned his head closer to me, I was awaiting a kiss, but that didn't come, instead I heard a small snicker. I reopened my eyes, I slightly furrowed by eyebrows and became flustered.

"Y-you dummy! Why would you do that!" I yelled softly hitting his chest, he made a cute face while laughing. I sighed as he grabbed onto my hands.

"I'm were just so cute not to..." He teased still laughing a bit.

I pouted and turned my head, "Lets GO!"




We continued to drive, the ride was silent, but the comfortable kind, I looked out the window, we were in the wastelands, nothing, but dead plants, bushes, and a bunch of mountains. I then spotted a blinking red light in the far distance, I turned to killua, he seemed to have seen it as well because he started to speed up. As we got closer, we were able to make it to more greener lands, we then saw a small town being guarded by a large gate and some guards, I smiled and sat straight.

"Killua we made it!"  I said, he smiled and nodded. 

two men then came to us, both with heavy machinery, "Hey would ya look at that, two more survivors... Hey kiddo, where did the two of you come from." One of the men asked me.

I felt my eye twitch while killua laughed a little, the man raised his eyebrow in confusion, "Sir I'm 22 years old, a grown man, not a child. We also came from Yorknew city..."

"Sorry about that, you look like a child, your also very sho-" I cut the man off with a small glare, one I picked up from Kurapika back when we were in high school.

"Alrighty! Can both please step out of the car." The other man asked, we did as told while one searched the car, and the other searched us for any bite marks or injury's.

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