Ch10 - You're My Little Friend

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A clap of thunder woke Song Xuanhe up from his dreams.

He stared at the dense, dark clouds gathered outside his window in a daze, letting out a large yawn. Only then did he sit up on his bed and take a look at the time. It was eleven in the morning. However, the black clouds, lightning, and rain shower outside made him feel absent-minded like he didn’t quite know what time it was.

He quietly sat on the bed as he came back to himself. After that, he slowly crawled out of bed and took a shower. After washing away the scent of alcohol, he felt much more refreshed.

He hadn’t actually drank all that much yesterday. According to his usual drinking habits, it should have been fine. It was just that he hadn’t expected that this body was such a lightweight. It had only been a few glasses of white wine, and his head had immediately turned fuzzy.

It seemed that he should limit the times he goes out to drink. Song Xuanhe clicked his tongue, lamenting. He wiped his hair and then made his way downstairs.

When he reached the living room, he discovered that Xiao Yuanmu, who was usually in his own room reading or fiddling with something, was actually sitting on the sofa watching TV. Song Xuanhe couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow in surprise. However, before he could even say anything, his gaze turned to the TV screen, and he paused.

“——Although the picture is fuzzy, we can see that Film Empress Liu is drinking with a certain gentleman. The hand gestures of the two of them are quite suggestive. It looks like the exchange of wine from ancient weddings. There is also a rumour that this isn’t the first time Mr. S has come to visit Liu Xu at her workplace. They had both gone in and left from a certain hotel before.”

Two fuzzy pictures of a hotel with its name blurred out appeared. Song Xuanhe looked at them. It was from when he had accidentally run into Liu Xu and Song Guochao just as they were booking a room. He didn’t expect that the entertainment reporter would ignore Song Guochao. Instead, they had taken a picture of Song Xuanhe at the front desk during his inspection as well as another with Liu Xu entering the elevator with a mask on. In this way, they had forced the two of them together.

Song Xuanhe wasn’t angry. On the contrary, he found it funny and was looking forward to what would happen. What was funny was that, no matter what world it was, to be able to weave a story from photos was an essential skill for any media reporter. What he was looking forward to was Song Guochao’s reaction upon seeing the news.

Song Guochao was probably already cursing him.

There was a smile tinted with schadenfreude in his eyes. He went over and sat down on the sofa. While listening to the sound of the rain pouring from outside the window, he crossed his legs on top of the sofa. He grabbed a pillow and was just about to take out his phone to play games when he saw Xiao Yuanmu stand up.

Song Xuanhe looked up, meeting with Xiao Yuanmu’s eyes. He subconsciously curled backwards. He thought that Xiao Yuanmu’s gaze right now was even more turbulent than the downpour outside.

However, Xiao Yuanmu only gave him an askanced look before leaving. He did not stay for even a moment.

Song Xuanhe felt rather baffled. He grabbed his phone and thought for a while. He discovered that an ordinary person could not see through this big boss’s thoughts. Furthermore, he was too lazy to think about it anymore. They were just acting as a couple without any real feelings anyway. In the future, it would be a relationship of predator and prey. Even if he guessed correctly, nothing would change, so there was no use in wasting his brain cells.

Song Xuanhe played games downstairs thoughtlessly. Meanwhile, upstairs, Xiao Yuanmu drenched himself with cold water three times before he could suppress the dark emotions inside his heart.

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