Chapter 4

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Jordan's POV

My stepmother, Catherine and my stepsister Gabriella, Gabby (for short) enter my family dining room. Catherine and Dad got married five years ago. My dad met her at a work convention and their story gets interesting as it goes on which in result created Gabby.

"I miss you guys," Catherine said walking in.

My dad and I smile as we get up from our seats to embrace her.

"And we miss you," I said to her.

"She couldn't wait to see you," my dad said putting his arms around her waist and giving her a kiss.

"I like the fact everyone is forgetting about my existence" Gabby chirped in.

"No we don't, we just want to see mom more than you," I said playfully.

"Oh. That's fine"

"We just playing, come here my little girl," Dad said.

"I know. I miss you guys too." Gabby said.

 "I can't wait to see Jerome and Gisele. Have they gotten together yet? Oh. And we have to go shopping Jordan."

I mentally groaned. Why?!! I'll have to think of an excuse to get out of this.

"You know that's my least favorite activity. That's why they invented online shopping you know. You and Gisele can always go together though."

"Come on girls... Let us enjoy our meals before biting each other head off." Dad said to us.

We gather at the table and let mother talk about her trip with Gabby. Dad and I listened attentively. After our dinner we said goodnight to each other and dad drove to his house with Catherine, leaving Gabby & I in ours. I did my night routine and lay on my pillow fast asleep.


On Sunday  I  catch up on my Netflix shows, Criminal Minds and Psych here and there. That's what I did for the whole day.


On Monday morning I went to work.

"Good Morning Ms.Parker"

"Good Morning Jordan"

Good mornings were thrown left and right at me as I walk down the hall to my office. I placed my bag on top of my desk and sighed as I see all the paperwork I'll be doing for half of the day.

In the middle of work, I pressed the calling button bringing in my secretary.

"Ms.Christmas, can you bring me a French Vanilla ice coffee, please. Add extra sugar, Thank you." I said once she picked up the call.

A few minutes later... She walked in with my request, with some more papers to look over. Is she serious?

"Your dad wanted to see you in a few as well Ms. Parker"

"Thank you. Let him know I'll be down there soon."

I fix myself up in the mirror I have in the office. I grab a stack of paper to look over on the way. Oh and the cup of coffee.

I read over the papers and took a sip here and there. When I reach my father's office I knock two times to let him know it's me. It's kind of our signature. I walk in my father's office to see the back of a man sitting on a chair facing my father. He didn't even turn around to see who enter the office.

"You need me, Dad?" I said walking to him and placing my stacks of paper on his desk while still holding my coffee in hand.

"Yes, I would like you to meet James Adam "

I turn around to see the man face, at that moment he turns to face me directly and smile while extending his hand for me to shake ...

"Hello, My name is James Adam and you are ?"


I dislike writing the author's note but I had to. I tend to leave my chapter at every meeting that happens during the characters. 😈

 I don't like posting pictures of what the characters look like .. I like it when readers' imagination run wild.

A/N: Picture on the top - the company

Enjoy. 💜Ashley💜

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