Chapter 11

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Jordan's POV

"Good morning Ms. Parker."

Christmas had my coffee in her hand with her iPad.

"You have to attend the Charity ball schedule for tomorrow night for the company rating. You're allowed to bring a guest. Do you have someone in mind ?"  Christmas said.

I plopped down on my office chair and place my suitcase inside the desk drawer and secure it.

"I'll go and I usually go with Dad "

"Got it."

"Dad the Charity ball coming up. You care to join me? " I asked my dad over the phone.

"Sorry Sweets, I promised your mom a dinner date but you should bring James with you "

"Haha.Very funny dad." I said sarcastically.

"What?  He is a good guy Jordan "

He is a good guy? How would he know?

"I am just not ready dad but I'll think about it," I said and ended the call


After much debate with myself, I decided to call  James.

"Hello," he answered.

All of a sudden I got nervous. It's not even a date so I shouldn't be this nervous to ask him. 

How do I go about this? Why did I even listen to my dad, this is where being a daddy girl is a disadvantage. I just listen to everything he says.

"Hello" the voice said again snapping out of my train of thoughts.

"Hi, this is Jordan"

"Yes, I know," he said sarcastically.

"Do you want to go to a charity ball with me tomorrow night as my plus one ?"

"It will be my pleasure. Let me pick you up this time? "

 I didn't even argue this time. "Sure"

I ended the call and stayed quiet to myself. I just did that

I did a little happy dance to myself and smiled.


Work went like every other day and I went home.

"I'm home," I called out.

"Auntie home again !" I heard Amber's voice cried out.

"Auntie," Greyson said following behind Amber.

"Hey, guys? Who wants to go get ice cream ?"

"Meeee" they all said including Gabby who had her hand up like a little kid.

"Are you serious ?" I asked her.

And she just looked at me with a "duh" face.

"Fine," I said and walked upstairs to change up. I took a quick shower and put on jeans that reached my knee and a shirt to let enough air getting in.

"Are you guys ready ?"

"Yes !!" They all cheered. I shook my head at Gabby and grabbed Amber's hand while Gabby grabbed Greyson's hand and we headed for the car.

"Buckle up. We going on a trip." I said once they were seated.

"That's our song," Amber yelled in the back seat. The guys listen to music while I drove them to the park.

We reached the park and they ran off like wild animals. Even Gabby. To say I was shocked was an understatement.

I sat on a bench and watch Gabby chase after Amber and Greyson. They all smiling and laughing when they get caught.
After minutes Gabby came seating down next to me looking exhausted.

"Getting too old"

"Even dad can last longer than you," I said teasing her.

"He goes to the Gym. I don't do that. Gym and I are enemies."

"Right. And I still wonder how you keep your body in shape."

"Don't worry about it. " she winked.

"I am innocent." I cried out when I realized what the wink meant.

She laughed out loud, gaining some attention. We talked for a while about anything. Then the kids came back running to us.

"Can we please get Ice cream now ?" Amber asked cheerfully.


We went to the ice cream stand and I order Oreos, Amber ordered Chocolate while Greyson and Gabby goes for the sample Ice cream,Vanilla.
We seated back and finish our ice cream then it was getting late so I had to bring them back to the house. The drive home was silent which was odd so I glanced at the back when I reached a stoplight, everyone was sleeping. The sugar in the ice cream made them sleepy and it would be hard for me to pick them up.

We reached home. Shanelle (Greyson Mother ) and Kiara (Amber mother ) were just getting out of the house when I parked my car.

"You guys are lifesavers.
Take your child with you including Gabby" I said to them.

"Nah... this one all you. I didn't birth that giant" Kiara said.

"Thank you, we needed the break." Shanelle said." We will talk later. You have been absent lately."

"I've been avoiding you two nagging me about my love life," I said.

"oh we know Jordan," Shanelle said. They took their child and I watch as the sisters leave my house. I took Gabby inside sleepwalking.

"Are you sure you going to make it to your room?"

"Ya, ya"


I head to my room and took a bath then slept.


A/N: writer's block been a biatch.

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