Chapter 26: Performing in Hoenn

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Author's Note:

Hello Poliwags, we're back with another chapter of our favourite heroine. This was originally going to be with what will now be chapter 27 but...oh boy that would've been long. So, instead it's two different chapters. But for now, hopefully you enjoy this one.

Chapter 26: Performing in Hoenn

Slateport City was as beautiful as everyone had said it would be. Bonnie had been amazed as they had pulled into Dewford Town on Briney's boat, but arriving at the docks of Slateport City on Drake's ship was somehow even more impressive. The beaches were sprawling, with people and Pokemon out enjoying the sunny day, and the buildings in the background towered over anything that had been in Dewford Town. She could even see what must've been the Contest Hall from where she was at the front of the boat, because dozens of people appeared to be crowding around a large building in the distance.

"I wish Beautifly could've seen this place," Bonnie whispered, as the ship was slowly coming to a stop at the docks. "She would've been amazed by it."

"I'm sure she would've enjoyed it," Roxanne acknowledged, giving Bonnie a sympathetic pat on the back, "but you know she'll be happy where she's going. Who knows, maybe you'll both be able to visit here together one day?"

"That would be nice," Bonnie said with a sigh. She hadn't quite managed to put the departure of Beautifly off of her mind since they'd gone their separate ways. The rest of the trip to Slateport City on Drake's ship had still been pleasant enough, especially with the lessons the Elite Four member had given Bonnie, but it had still been hard not to think of Beautifly.

As they made their way off of the ship a few minutes later, having removed their supplies from the cabin they'd been staying in, Drake met them on the dock below. He seemed to know Bonnie was still a bit upset by her Pokemon's absence, and he took her aside for a moment as some of the other crew members said their goodbyes to Roxanne, Clyde and Rotom. Rotom had become quite popular during the trip with those who had Pokemon with them, and he was showing off a variety of pictures.

"Well," Drake said, looking Bonnie in the eyes, "I suppose this is the end of our brief journey together. I hope our lessons together will be of assistance to you in the future. If you continue to work on the exercises we discussed, I believe you will learn to focus your mind very well in your future battles."

"It's been amazing getting the chance to learn from you," Bonnie said truthfully. "Sorry I've been distracted about Beautifly for the last few we had..." She looked away, feeling guilty for having somewhat wasted the opportunity she'd been given.

Surprisingly, however, Drake laughed, and when Bonnie looked back at him, he shook his head. "You did an admirable job of working through it. It's no easy thing to say goodbye to a friend. Especially one who joined you so early on your journey." He paused, glancing back to his ship for a moment, before his eyes drifted east, towards the direction he would be sailing to next. "I still find myself distracted even with minor things."

"Like looking for Latias and Latios?" Bonnie asked, following his gaze. "And that...Sky Pillar?" She shifted uncomfortably, remembering her flute. She had yet to mention it to Drake.

"Indeed," Drake said, turning back to Bonnie and raising an eyebrow curiously. "Is there anymore you can tell me of your meeting with those two?"

Bonnie exchanged a glance with Dedenne, and after a moment, they nodded to one another. If they couldn't trust Drake, who could they trust? Besides, Bonnie knew she would've probably told Drake more if she hadn't been so busy with the lessons, or distracted by Beautifly. She carefully pulled out the flute Latias had given her out of her backpack, making sure that nobody other than Drake could see what she was doing.

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