Chapter 57 - Surprise! (Mature)

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They headed off to their busy day and I went to get ready. I was going to visit with Halmeoni and help her and a couple of other ladies make kimchi... lots of it. I had only made a couple of small batches myself, so this was going to be an adventure. I was family now, so I was not an outsider in their eyes. I felt like I needed this after the BS with Ms. Choi.

I put on a bit of sunscreen then pulled my hair into a messy bun. I put on some old cargo pants and a t-shirt. Halmeoni told me to wear clothes that could get messed up because the red pepper will stain.

I had Jun stop at a bakery on the way to pick up treats for Harabeoji. I was so happy to have Jun as my personal driver. I felt a bit guilty even having a personal driver, but I understood it was for my safety. I had learned recently that Jun was also 3rd degree Black Belt in Taekwondo, so I felt safe with him around.

Halmeoni's face lit up when she saw me. Her eyes almost disappeared from the huge smile on her face. She held out her hands and grabbed the air, trying to get me there faster. We had not seen much of each other lately and I missed our visits.

During this visit, Halmeoni kept petting me. She would just reach out and stroke my arm or my back, and smile. She had missed me too. She taught me how to soak the cabbage in salt brine and how to mix the giant bowl of the red seasoning. Then I learned how to paint it on the cabbage leaves, making sure to get them completely covered. If you don't, they can spoil. The other ladies also shared their own tips and experiences.

One of them commented how refreshing it was to see a foreigner trying to embrace another culture. She was Halmeoni's neighbor, whom I had met a few times during my visits. After we finished making the kimchi, the ladies left. It was just me an Halmeoni. Harabeoji was off with the boys for the day.

I had told Halmeoni about the agency rejection, but I had not gone into detail yet. We had tea and I spilled it all out to her. Facts, feelings, impressions... everything. She held my hand and cried with me. She patted my arm and kept telling me not to worry, everything happens for a reason.

She made sure I ate well and sent me home with a refrigerator full of Banchan and kimchi. The guys would have a feast later. Jun and I stopped at the market on the way home and I picked up several pounds of meat to go with it all. We would cook outside on the patio tonight.

Jun helped me carry everything upstairs and put away. I texted Min and asked what time he would be home. He said probably about an hour. I told him to bring his brothers for dinner. He added that he had a surprise for me when he got home. Considering we would not be alone I knew it wasn't a naughty surprise. I tried to get it out of him, but he would not give in.

I lit the torches and other mosquito repellent devices on the patio so they could start doing their job then I started bringing out the food and setting up the tabletop grill. Within a few minutes I heard the door chime followed by their voices. They were being quieter than usual, so I knew they were up to something.

I stepped inside and Min had his back to me, and the others were gathered in close. Kyun walked over behind me and covered my eyes with his hands at Min's request. I was really getting excited about this surprise.

"Okay, she can see now," he said and Changkyun ceremoniously lifted his hands and gestured forward. Standing in front of me was the cutest puppy I had ever seen. And he was holding another puppy! "Princess, meet Sherman."

I squealed so loudly that they laughed. I held out my arms to take the tiny fluffball from him. Immediately Sherman began licking my face and wiggling from excitement. I held him up in front of me so I could see him. His little Corgi face was mostly white, with tan around both eyes. His black nose was shaped like a heart. Tears fell down my cheeks as I hugged him and twisted from side to side.

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