Chapter 61 - Moving Day

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Soon the movers arrived to start packing up our apartment. As he had said, he made sure I took no part in it. I simply supervised. My clothes were getting tighter, and I knew I was going to have to go shopping soon. I was entering my second trimester.

Min cleared his schedule so he could go to my next appointment with Dr. Song. We saw how much the baby had grown in just a short time. Everything was looking good. Her heartbeat was strong and regular. I was beginning to feel less tired and have more energy. Min could not keep his hands off my tummy when we were at home.

It was only a matter of time before fans figured out what was going on. I felt like we had gotten past the most tenuous part and I was more confident, so I told him we could make the announcement when he was ready. He said let's give it a little longer. He wanted me all to himself.

I ordered some new sweaters and tunic tops online and some stretchy yoga pants, which was pretty much what I wore anyway these days when I wasn't meeting clients. I wasn't ready for maternity clothes just yet, but it would not be long. The baby was up to about 3 inches now, and my waist was expanding with her. I found myself standing in the mirror daily after I had showered, just looking at my body and noticing the slight changes.

Min had convinced me to do weekly photos to document our miracle baby's journey. He would take the photos and send them to his parents each week to keep them updated. They were thrilled that a new grandbaby was coming. His mom called me often to check on me. She offered to help in any way she could, both now and after the baby arrived.

During one of my visits with Halmeoni, she told me that she knew when she had seen me weeks ago, before I even knew. Thinking back on that visit, her doting made more sense now. At the time, I thought she had just missed me. She called me every day and she sent Jinho with food twice a week if I didn't make it to see her. I rarely cooked anything because she sent so much food. And now that the guys were home, we ate together often, so that meant they did the grilling.

Before we found out I was pregnant, I was cooking two or three times a week for all of them. Nothing too fancy, just regular meals that I knew how to cook. Some of my dishes had to be slightly modified to fit the available ingredients, but the guys still seemed to enjoy them.

It was already cold in Korea, so I was bundled up every time I took Sherman for a walk. I was easily able to hide my expanding waistline this way. Sherman was gaining quite the following though. Min had introduced him on a Live when we got back, and now people wanted to take his picture when we were out. The three of us would sometimes go to a dog-friendly café and his "fans" would always say hello. He was a friendly little floofball and just ate up the attention.

Sherman was quickly joining the ranks of popular K-pop idol pets. He was in good company with Joohoney's Yoshi and Gucci, Wonho's Bomi and Yeorum, BTS V's Yeontan and Monsieur, EXO Sehun's Vivi, and Chanyeol's Toben among others. We thought about giving him his own IG account, like Amber's Jack Jack, but decided against it. At least for now.

There was too much going on in our lives to worry about trying to keep up with that. The guys were getting ready for the year-end awards shows, we were all moving to new homes not tied to SSE, the guys were getting their company going, and I was growing a tiny human inside my body. It was turning out to be a very exciting year.

We were downstairs in the dorms one day as the guys were packing up their things. There was a box on the table for Minhyuk. It was gifts from fans that they had played with at some point, or that he had liked, or had wanted to hold on to instead of donating them right away.

He was looking through the box and sorting what to keep and what not to keep. He got called to one of the other rooms, so I decided to be nosy and look inside. There were tons of whale things. TONS. These must have been the ones he had liked. There were no silly ears or headbands. No flower crowns. It was mostly whales and anime characters.

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