Chapter 2:New begginings

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Julie,Luke,Alex,and Reggie ended up playing along as to the fact that they came to visit,but ended up pretending to move in. Used some suit cases for there old clothes to make it look they had stuff to move in with.
Since Julie was only a year younger then the boys as she was 16 and they were 17 they started back in high school the following week. They saved up money to get the boys phones. And they learned about social media and everything. Everyday when they came back from school Julie would teach them something new and work on something like texting or modern day language since they were from the 80's.
One day while Julie was in the library Luke texted:
Luke:Hey Jules I was wondering if I could try out for something call Lacrosse??
Julie:Um...I mean if u know how to play.
Luke:Idc but the coach said I was a real' natural at playing shooter. Whatever that means
Julie:Idc??No Luke it's idk as ik I don't know and that's really good that coach thinks your good.
Luke:Oh right okay and thks
Julie started laughing again. Because Luke was still a bit behind on learning the modern day language of texting. It was funny sometimes. After her free period was over she went to her locker to get her text books for her next class. Which was Math class.
Luke's POV:
I walked down the hallways and saw Julie at her locker. I crept quickly from behind her as I watched her get sorted out for her next class. Then I through my hands on her shoulder from behind her and softly yelled,"Boo!"She jumped in fright and turned around and punched me."Ow that hurt!"I said. "Good then next time you won't scare me like that!"She yelled at him.

Julies POV:
When Luke had scared me I had punch him and with my right hand so I could quickly hid the picture I had in my locker of him and me that I got off of out YouTube video "Edge of Great"I didn't want him to see it in case he got any ideas. I then turned around facing my locker again when he came next to me opened his locker and grabbed his Math books too. He had Math with me to so we usually walked together. I grabbed my book and slammed my locker shut and made my way with Luke to are next class.
Narrator POV:
As the two walked to Math talking about random topics like insta and snap(Instagram and Snapchat)They finally made there way to class and stumbled through the door. As they raced each other to there seats in the class. The teacher yelled,"Hey no running in class you two!"They both slowed down and started speed walking.Julie said,"Sorry Mrs.Rogers!"Julie made it to her seat first and then Luke second."Man you always win!"Luke said upset."Because your slow!"Julie reapplied teasingly. She stuck out her tongue at him and he did the same back."Okay class let's begin!Today we will be talking about variables. For example x times 5 is 50."Mrs.Rogers began to babble on when Luke started thinking about Julie. And when he tried to focus on the teacher all he heard was,"Blah,Blah,Blah". When he tried to take notes all he could write was Julie. He was so confused Julie was just a bandmate. Wasn't she?

Sorry this is short!I will make a longer one next time!👍

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