Chapter 3:Just a friend

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Luke's POV:
Isn't she just a friend. Why can't I stop think about her?I can't be in love with her. What if she doesn't feel the same way. As me and Julie wrapped up in Math class we walked to are locker as thoughts swarmed above in my head. I could stop thinking about her. I mean I know I am a lifer now. And we can be together but why does it feel like we are so far apart. Maybe I will tell her tonight. Maybe she does feel the same way. As I was think about all these thoughts in my head Julies waved her hands in my face trying to get my attention."Luke..Luke are you okay!!"she said snapping her figures."Yeah yeah I am all good about some stuff. You know just the train of thought parking itself at the station!"I laughed. What the hell did I just say. She probably thinks I am in idiot. But then I heard a small little giggle come from her. She most have though I was being funny.I casually let out a little laugh to as to make it look like it was a joke. And I think she bought it!As I put my math book back in my locker and closed it I saw Nick right behind julie!
Narrator POV:
As Nick started up a conversation with Julie. Luke began to feel a bit of jealousy."Um.. hey Maline!"Nick said. He always called her by her last night."Oh hey Nick!"Julie said smiling."So I just wanted to ask when you and your band were going to play again?"Nick asked."Um...well I am not sure but we are working on some new songs so hopefully soon!"Julie said."Oh okay great!Anyways I was wondering if you are free Friday Night a bunch of the Lacrosse Guys and their girls friends or friends are renting out a theater and going to go see some comedy. If you wanna come?"Nick said."Sure,but can I bring a plus 1?"Julie said."Yea of course!"Nick said. Julie smile and they said there goodbyes.
As Nick walked off."Are you sure he's just a friend?Cause I think he just asked you out on a group date!"Luke said."He is just a friend and it's okay cause my plus one is you. It can't be a date if I a bring someone."Julie said nervously."Sure,"Luke said in a cocky way. "Shut up!"Julie said.

Hey guys sorry this one is a bit short been busy and trying to make it longer.Promise I am going to make chapter 4 long.Thanks for reading!!!

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