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//Pull an all-nighter//

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//Pull an all-nighter//

Warnings: "Supernatural" spoilers LMFAO.

     AFTER SITTING IN HER room all day, she finally get's a knock on her bedroom door

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     AFTER SITTING IN HER room all day, she finally get's a knock on her bedroom door. Hoping it's Rafe, she opens it. It's him. She motions for him to come inside. He takes a seat at the edge of her bed, she sits next to him. They sit in silence for a minute. "Your sweaty." Gen randomly says. Rafe laughs. 

"Yeah, well I did just walk here so..." Rafe shrugs. Gen nods.

"Right. Right....I'm usually not this awkward, but um, you're, you.. so.." Gen laughs awkwardly and stands up. She walks over to her closet and puts on her favorite sweater. "It's cold." She shrugs. Rafe nods.

"Listen, I gotta get home, Gen-"

"No! Wait, I'm sorry. For everything. You did the right thing by standing up for me. I was so stupid and stubborn. And I should've just let you help me... You're... a good friend, Rafe. And thank you, for standing up for me." Gen admits, she crosses her arms and gives a light smile. Rafe stands up and walks over to her, so they're face to face.

"Do you still hate me?" He asks, they both chuckle. 

"No, I don't. I never did, Rafe." Gen states. Rafe tilts his head. Suddenly, the door bursts open. Rafe and Gen take a step away from each other.

"Baby, where have you been? You just lef- oh, why is Rafe Cameron in our home?" Gen's mother says, walking over to the two. 

"Nice to see you too, Mrs. Webber." Rafe grins.

"It's Penelope, Rafe." She says. The three just stand there. 

"Well, Rafe was just leaving!" Gen says. 

"Genni, it's late. He shouldn't drive home this late." Penelope says.

"If your suggesting that Rafe Cameron stays in our home, your literally high." Gen laughs. But Penelope just stands there. "Your kidding right?" Gen asks. She looks at Rafe whos' grinning.

"It's 12. And dark." Her mom shrugs. "Would you like to stay here, Rafe?"

"I can sleep on the couch." He suggests. Penelope nods. 

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