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The atmosphere was a mixture of moods the day after the game. Some were still feeling ecstatic and triumpious from yesterday's win, while others were still tired from yesterday's events. Some were feeling happy and excited for the upcoming homecoming dance later on this evening, while others were sad and dreading the very event.

But in the middle of all of the emotions, Taehyung felt a mixture of every single one of them. It had been there school's first win in a very long time, but standing around and using all of your breath to blow into and instrument, is pretty tiring. He was also very excited for the homecoming dance, however he was dreading the fact that he was going to see a very upsetted Jungkook at the dance.

As much as he wants to make the younger happy and smile again, he had to give the guy some space. He did just lost his girlfriend to his teammate, so he'll need some time to heal. It wouldn't be right in Taehyung's eyes to just automatically swoop in and try to make a move on Jungkook. No, he has to be considerate and think about how the other felt.

The day moved slowly, time seemed to have fallen behind for the students who were anticipating for the homecoming.

All of their friends were happily getting ready. Hoseok was out with his boyfriend and Lisa, getting themselves some accessories and warm pretzels from the mall. Yes, although they've broken up and Hoseok moved on already, Lisa was still more than happy to help her former boyfriend find some pretty pins and bracelets for him to wear tonight. Recommending him all of the best choices since she was already aware on what he was going to wear. 

Hoseok did the same for Lisa, while his boyfriend helped pay for everything, carry the bags, and treat them all to the pretzels. Hoseok and Lisa tried to help him, but he kindly declined and insisted that he was able to do it, making the two friends heart's melt at the kindness Hoseok's boyfriend provided.

Jennie was with Jaehyun, doing what she does best. Bicker and beg with her significant other. Her and Jaehyun were also at the mall, Jennie made a last minute decision to get a new dress and some accessories and shoes to go along with that dress too. The problem for her, and Jaehyun too, is that she expected for Jaehyun to pay for at least something. 

But Jaehyun kept declining the idea and it ended up with them arguing. But the difference from when Jennie argued with Jungkook between arguing with Jaehyun now is that Jungkook tried to make a solution. Jaehyun on the other hand wasn't even willing to talk it out or make a compromise. And this pissed off Jennie greatly. 

She eventually cooled herself down and calmed herself enough to where she was able to ask if Jaehyun was able to at least pay for pretzels for them both. He agreed to that idea and as soon as they were finished shopping, they headed out for some soft, warm, salty pretzels.

Even Taehyung's friends, Jin, Wheein, Jimin and Jisoo, were at the mall. But it was more of a hang out than a shopping day, but they still got in a little bit of shopping for tonight's homecoming. Where was Taehyung? Oh he declined the invite to join them today. He wanted to finish up some studying before he got ready for the dance. 

Which leaves the four to themselves, browsing through the crowded mall, now hungry for some soft and salty pretzels. So to the food court they went. 

As they were walking to the food court, they were greeted by the sound of a ear splitting shriek. 

"Jaehyun! You clutz! You fucking idiot, you spilled cheese sauce on the shopping bags. Jaehyun, you better hope on everything that there is absolutely not a speck of cheese sauce on any of the stuff I just bought!" Jennie screamed, throwing her bags onto the table out of frustration. "Relax babe I'll just get you another one if there is any specks of cheese." Jaehyun suggested with an unbothered tone. It didn't seem like he cared all that much about the situation. 

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