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*Watches you fall all the way down here after finishing the story*

*You fall and let out a big oof! when your body hits the floor*

*I roll my eyes but smile and go to help you up to your feet*

"Rough fall?" I asked

*You glare at me*

"You think?" You said.

"I mean you finished the story and now you're all the way down here with me. You're in my prison now. Imma hold you against your will to read my books forever!! Muahahahaha *cough*" 

*Then I start coughing and choking because I swallowed my spit the wrong way.*

*You hit my back and I immediately stop literally almost dying in front of you*

"Thanks. I guess since you did saved me from going to hell too early, I guess I'll let you read my books optionally. Here I'll even give you a little info on what I'm working on next."

*I hand you a piece of paper containing all of my new story ideas*

*You look up at me surprised that I even gave away something this confidential to a meer mortal like you*

"Shh. Keep it a secret." I whispered before disappearing into smoke right before your eyes.

*You look shocked but you still proceeded to read the paper*

It read:

Dear reader,

Thank you for reading "You Belong With Me". Although your journey with this book was short and lasted for only a good hour, I felt like this book took me a year like wtfff. 

Initially, the planning for this book was simple. All I had to do was follow the lyrics of the song and the storyline of the music video, right? 

Wrong! Dead wrong!

I had to make a plot that'll not only go along with the storyline and lyrics of the video, but also have some heartwarming moments and something for readers to also grasp on.

I want to make a sequel to this as well. But in a completely different route. I had in mind the concept where Jennie comes back into Taekook's lives as a psycho sasaeng, willing to do whatever she could to make Jungkook her's again. Should I do this? Lemme know.

I'll also update this story with shorts from time to time. Just to keep you guys updated on the gang.

I can't thank you enough for taking time out of your day to read this story. Really, thank you! But for now I'll have to take a break... 

But I promise I'll be back soon! Pinky promise! I just need a good two weeks worth of a break before I continue.

So, I'm giving you this letter to know what to anticipate for when I come off of my break.

By the way, this was my first completed book! Gahha ahhhh nfnjfshhdsksk!!!! 

Alright, anyways here's what to wait for when I come back or you could read my other books too, now that school is out I'll be working on them more often:

Books that are already out:

You're Gonna Love Me - completed

Books that I'm working on that you can choose to be published next:

Black Magic - jin, taehyung, jimin, and hoseok, are better known as the school's nerds, are in a dilemma, all liking a different boy but lacking the style and confidence to try and date those boys. they also get picked on and bullied a good portion of their everyday school lives, so they weren't winning anything. except, when hoseok comes across a book, a magic book of spells and shares it with his friends. now that's a win, or is it?

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