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Dumbledore was mad at me. Which was understandable because of the breakouts and everything. I should have alerted him that I needed a few extra days.

But for the past week I've just been plunging into schoolwork, my hardest class was potions but I was doing alright, I was gliding through my other classes, most of the things they assign are more like busy work now.

I've been avoiding Harry like the plague, the only times I see him are during meals which I'm usually with Luce, sometimes the twins, and classes but I would just pretend to focus on the teacher.

It's not that I'm not ready to talk with him it's because I don't want to, for right now anyway.

I was in my satchel, Dad had sent me a letter trying to explain himself but I didn't read it. I never had a rebellious stage so I suppose now is proper enough to do so.

I didn't go to any Dumbledore's army meetings since I got back, mainly because I knew everything but still.

I was walking back to my abandoned classroom, but Harry was waiting for me, leaning on a desk, he straightened up when I walked in.

"Hi..." he says a bit awkwardly.

"Hi," I say quietly.

"I thought that we should talk." He says,

"Yeah, kind of thought this was coming," I say.

"Yeah." We just stand there in awkward silence for a while. "It's kind of weird right?" He asks, "having a secret sibling." He says.

"Yeah, kind of a mind boggler," I say.

"I can't wrap around why my Dad would... I mean from everything I heard about him." He says.

"Well, it would be weird to talk shit about the dead," I say,

"Precisely." He says. "I never had a sibling so I don't know what to do." He says,

"Well does anything have to change?" I ask,

"I don't think so, but still it's something that connects us, and siblings are supposed to know stuff about each other." He says.

"I guess so," I say,

"So, tell me about yourself. I don't know much." He says. I put my satchel on the floor.

"Follow me," I say, I hop in. My place was mostly clean. My cat was on my desk. Soon after Harry pops in.

"This is brilliant." He says looking around.

"Just a jinx," I say. He looks over to my shelves.

"You have records." He says,

"Yeah, I like music," I say leaning on my desk.

"What are your other interests? I mean we are getting to know each other." He says.

"Don't have any..." I say, "I traveled a bunch, the states, Paris, Greece, Italy, Canada, on accident, and Scotland, and a few other places. Oh and of course Ireland I was born there so." I say,

"Why do you not have..." he starts to ask.

"Left Ireland when I was four, jumped on a train, soon my voice got gargled by all the different accents, the brain was still developing I guess." I say, "what about you, what's your deal?" I ask,

"Once my parents died I went to go live with my Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, my Mum's sister, I didn't like them." He says,

"Well at least you had someone," I say,

"Didn't you?" He asks,

"He was in jail, we split up, someone was following us, I headed to the train station. He didn't come, hopped a train to London, and been on my own ever since." I say.

"Wow... that's..." he drifts off.

"Irresponsible?" I say, he shrugs his shoulders.

"So everybody probably asks you this but the third year, that article, was it true?" He says. I look around my room for a bit.

"It paints a prettier picture," I say, he looks almost shocked. "It's true about the I suppose torturing, but they sent in a Dementor to execute me before it could finish Dumbledore came in. I'm supposed to be dead right now, the only thing that is keeping me alive right now is the drugs that I'm on." I say.

"Oh..." he looks stunned for a moment.

"Umbridge helped make that decision. That's why I'm not in her class anymore," I say,

"Well, I suppose we have one thing in common." He says,

"What's that?" I ask,

"We're both supposed to be dead." He says I giggle for a bit, "how's that funny?" He asks,

"I don't know it just seems funny," I say. We both stand there for a long time.

"I want your help, with the next meeting, I'm teaching them to do patronuses, and your kind of the expert on them." He says,

"No I'm not," I say,

"Third year you produced a crazy full-body Patronus." He says,

"Yeah so crazy that I passed out," I say.

"Still I could use the help." He says.

"Alright then," I say.

The next day I brought my fender and amp.

"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember, allow it to fill you up, keep trying Seamus." He says, "George, your turn now," he said,

"Expecto Patronum." Says George, producing his Patronus.

"A full-body Patronus is the most difficult to produce, a shield can be the equally useful amount a variety of things. And to show you, I brought the only person who I've seen do one." He points to me. I drop my wand to the floor and close my eyes.

The power comes from inside me and flows through me, producing my Patronus, a dragon, and sends it soaring through the room, and soon it landed into me.

Everyone looks quite shocked. I plug in my amp and secure in my fender.

"Now when battling these sorts of problems one can be interrupted by different things happening around them, it's important to know how to deal with that while performing different enchantments.

I start to do some guitar rifts, spanning from Jimi Hendrix (of course) to David Bowie, to the Eagles, the Smiths, the Clash, and more.

A lot of people didn't know if they could handle it but soon enough they were able to produce their Patronus, even with blasting music.

But something stopped me. The entire room shook, everybody stopped performing. I grabbed my amp and went to stand by the twins. Harry and that kid Nigel walk up close to it. The mirror shatters and soon the entire wall explodes, seeing a clear view of Umbridge with a smug look on her face that could be easily punched off.

Umbridge walks in with her goons, Malloy shoves Cho into the scene.

Oh. Shit.

———————-・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .*:———————

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