Possibly Illegal Activities with Professor Dumbeldore

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Have to say, maybe Hogwarts wasn't so bad at all. First of all they regularly feed you, they give you a free place to sleep, and clothes, slowly becoming a fan of this place if you don't mind me saying.

I've been here for a few weeks, the classes were easy, most of the stuff they were teaching I already knew thanks to my father. I've been hanging out with Fred and George a lot and have to say, those two have already come up with some masterful pranks, we put a stink bomb in Filtch's broom closet, let loose a ton of pigmy puffs on the moving staircases, and drew some mustaches on the paintings. Apart from the pranks most of my time I spent with Hermione it was hard to get away from her, we had all the same classes, we slept next to each other. I'd only have a few friends before Hogwarts, really only two, Christopher and Nicholas. With Hermione it was different even though I've only known her a few weeks, it's like we operate in a team, she had a right proper sense of humor, and in all honestly she's probably the only one that is as smart as me here.

Hermione and I were having a spot of breakfast when Fred and George came trotting in. Hermione never joined us in our pranks, not wanting to get in trouble. She's expressed that she's found it a bit odd that third years would want to hang out with a first year, and that maybe it's made an impression on the rest of the girls in my grade, I get that, but at the same time, a friends a friend who gives a rats arse about their age.

"Look here, Finnigan is in Dumbledore's office again, what did he do this time?" says Fred looking at their magical map,

"Probably set something on fire again while trying to cast a spell," I say, Fred coughs out a chuckle.

"Swear to god he almost set his broom on fire in Professor Hooch's class," says Hermione.

"That's too bad missing out on quidditch," says Fred.

"Never played before," I say, going back to my eggs.

"Really? Have you ever been on a broom before," says George,

"Apart from Hooches class, In fact I have, I was in New Orleans and I accidentally took a fire-breathing charmer from the Pixie Market, got chased, and then I escaped on a faulty broom and landed somewhere in the Mississippi River after a day of flying," I say. George and Fred both looked at each other and looked back at me.

"Wicked," They both said at the same time.

"How would you like to learn how to ride a broom properly, for Quidditch," says Fred. Quidditch, an interesting sport, plus if I could better understand it, would be easier to make some money off it.

"Okay guys, let's see if I'm any good, but if I break my face, I'm suing." I say. Hermione and I finish our breakfast and meet the twins on the quidditch field. George hands me a broom and smiles,

"Alright, let's see if you got what it takes to be on the team," He says with a smile.

"Let's see if you can keep up with my wicked skills," I say with a goofy smile.

I got a the jest of it a few times, just flying around the pitch with the Weasley boys, learning the skills. Zipping around them a million times,

"I have an idea," I say, taking off near the castle,

"Hold up wait!" George shouts, I soar through the buildings gliding throughout the towers and getting a few weird stares from on lookers. 

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