Chapter Eight 😀

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"You can tell us as soon as we sit down for dinner Marylin" her father then said. Marylin's mom was not happy with that response, she demanded to know now but her dad only gave her mom the death glare.

If looks could kill, she would have already been dead.
Marylin carried baby Mike and walked over to the dinning room were the plate were already set up and in the middle was the dish.
They all took their seats and Marylin sat baby Mike in her lap between her legs.
Michael loved that feeling, being held. Love that he hasn't experienced in a while.

To eat, they had chicken Alfredo pasta with garlic bread and sweet tea.
Her favorite dish.
"Go on. Dig in" her dad said. So they all did.
After what felt like eternity eating in silence, Marylin's mom broke the silence.
"So" she said "who's the baby?"
Marylin's oils feel her stare right at her which made her nervous.
"Well.." Marylin replied as she took a sip of her tea "he's...uhm... my! Yup! That, that's who he is"
She couldn't say it was her child even though that was the plan.
Wha if one day his biological mother shows up and takes him away? What will she say then?

"And the mother is... well... colored?-"
"ELIZABETH" Marylin's dad spoke up. He wasn't happy with that comment, he hated when people discriminated each other by their skin tone.
Marylin was also not happy.
"What? Look at the child. You can't deny the truth" her mom then said.
"Mother. Stop. That is enough!" Marylin spoke up.
"Marylin! I am looking over for your reputation ! What will your colleagues say when they see you with.. that child?!"
"ENOUGH MOTHER!" Marylin yelled. It hurt her having to hear those words coming from her mom. Her mother never wanted for Marylin to have a child and if she did, she was picky about it.

"NO! You know what?" Marylin said. She picked up baby Mike and grabbed her bags.
"I'm done! I. Have. Had . Enough of you BULLSHIT MOTHER! I can't believe you would say those racist comments! IM LEAVING" she said as she walked out the door and to her car.
She opened the back door, sat baby Mike in the car seat and closed the door.
Marylin ignored her crap and got in the car.

As she started the engine she could see her dad holding back her mothers screams. He dragged her inside the house and that was the last thing she saw of them before turning right around the corner.

Micheal wasn't happy with the argument. He knew this would happen. He was sadden and broken hearing those words coming out of someone's mouth.
It broke him.
This was one of the many negative things on being a baby. His splotches were visible more than he was as an adult.
He hated it.
But he couldn't do anything since he was kid. No kid wears makeup.

Now he REALLY wanted to become an adult.

Back home

After minutes of driving, they finally arrived home. She parked her car and carried sleepy Mike up to her apartment.
She unlocked the door and walked inside as she sat down with one arm, all her bags n the floor.
The bags were light, so they hardly made any noise at all.
"Shh. It's ok. Come one. Let's go to bed" she whispered as she calmed baby Mike to sleep again.
She laid him down on the side of the wall as she laid the other side.
It was dark and all she could think of is pure sadness.

Her head was full of thoughts running in circles:

Will my baby leave me?
Does his mother already know where I am?
I don't want to be alone. He's so adorable.
When will my mother change?
When can I be set free?
I want to be free.
I want to live a different life from mine.
But I don't want to leave this poor angel.
I hope he never leaves me and he stays with me forever.
I will be a good mother.
I promise.
Oh please lord. Please.

Don't take him away from me.
I love him...

And with that final thought, she drifted to a deep sleep....

Outside POV:

Throughout the whole time Marylin was taking care of baby Mike.
The vengeful woman was out stalking them since day one.
She wanted Michael to herself.
She needed t get rid of Marylin first.
Then, victory.

Every night she will stand from afar and watch them from the balcony window doors.
Her eager to get him back grew and grew.
"Patience is key...and I will soon, get. Him. Back. Marylin" the strange woman said disappearing in the dark.

The obsession she had with Michael, was too much to beat and seeing him with Marylin, only made her angrier....

To be continued...

My baby, Micheal Jackson..Where stories live. Discover now