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Willow walked through the doors of talia's new apartment excitedly

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Willow walked through the doors of talia's new apartment excitedly. She had been able to leave work a few hours early and surprise cal, and of course harry. she felt her stomach get nervous as she looked around, not seeing him in the crowd but she quickly spotted cal and chip and made her way over.

"Alright?" chip asked her with a welcoming grin spread across his face and she nodded back.

"Yeah I'm good thanks, you?" she pulls away from the hug and moves to greet cal the same way.

"I thought you couldn't come?" cal asks and she shrugged.

"blagged my way into leaving early," she smirks and he shakes his head disapprovingly, despite the happy grin on his face.

"do you want me to put them somewhere?" chip asks, pointing toward the bottle of tequila and gin in her hand and she nodded.

"yes please." she hands them to him as he stalks to the kitchen.

"willow!" emily yells, rushing over to engulf the girl into a hug.

"oh my god ive missed you." willow tells her and emily laughs.

"i missed you too! come on lets get you a drink." she tells her, dragging her over to the kitchen. as she gets chip to pour them all a shot of tequila whilst she makes willow a cocktail, willows eyes wander around the room until they spot the familiar head of blonde.

his eyes were already on her, a small smirk on his lips as he noticed she was looking for him. he offered a welcoming nod in her direction before turning his gaze to the conversation he was having with jj and callux.

after taking the some shots and bidding goodbye to cal and chip, emily and willow made their way toward the crowd of sweaty people dancing.

"its absolutely gorgeous!" willow complimented talia on the new apartment and talia pulled her in for a hug.

"youre gorgeous!" she replied and willow laughed. talia was obviously very drunk and due to her lack of sleep and the multiple shots willow was definitely tipsy herself.

her and talia continued to talk and laugh before harry caught her eye again. he was standing against a wall eyes fixed on her as he watched her dance. as he noticed her looking back at him he winked and she rolled her eyes before he nodded over toward the direction of a hallway.

"im gonna go get a drink!" willow called over the music and talia nodded moving closer to the other girls as willow slipped away.

she slowly approached the hallway, smiling at familiar faces that she passed before making her way down the hallway. though she couldnt see harry.

"where are you?" she whisper shouted over the music. she didnt want to draw any attention to herself.

"alright darling." he greeted her after dragging her into what looked like talias office. "missed me?"

"youre the one who wouldnt stop staring at me." she told him with a smug grin on her face and he shook his head.

"yeah i cant help it." he told her taking her hand in his to make her do a spin in front of him. "i like this outfit."

"youre in a good mood." she noted, her hand playing the ends of her hair and he hummed, his red eyes still scanning over her.

"i thought you werent coming tonight?" he asked and she shrugged.

"cal kept begging me all day." she explains before yawning. "im so tired though."

"yeah? do you wanna go home?" he asked, quickly standing himself up straight and off of the wall as he became concerned.

"im fine." she laughed. "im probably gonna leave soon though."

"ill come with you." he tells her but she shakes her head.

"no you wont people already tweeted that they saw us together." she explains. "i dont want anyone to get suspicious."

"i dont care if they do." he tells her and she rolls her eyes.

"cal would kill both of us and you know it." she tells him and he nods. "you can come to mine later though-only if you want to."

"are you sure thats alright?" he asks, his cheeks red at the suggestion.

"if you want to." she shrugs and he quickly nods. "just make sure you dont tel cal."

willow finished cleaning her face when she heard someone try to open the front door followed by a knock and 'willoowww its me..'

she made her way to the door with a grin on her face before swinging it open to reveal harry holding a pizza box.

"hi." he slurred, holding the pizza box to show her as he let himself in. "i got pizza for us."

she grabbed the box from his wobbly hand and told him to go and sit down as she followed behind him.

"do you want some water?" she asked as he opened the pizza box and grabbed himself a slice.

"no thanks." he smiles at her before reaching his hand out to grab her wrist and pulling her down onto the sofa to sit with him. "did you have a good night?"

"yeah actually i really love seeing everyone and becoming better friends." she tells him and he nods.

"everyone loves you." he tells her as he drunkenly eats his pizza, his eyes clearly very heavy.

"do you wanna go to bed?" she asks him, brushing a hand through his ruffled hair and he smirks. "to sleep!" she exclaims and he laughs at her lazily.

"come on." he jumps up, holding her in his arms so she doesnt fall, however due to his drunken state he begins to sway and she quickly frees herself and jumps down.

"oh my god youre smashed!" she laughs and he nods, admitting defeat as she leads him by his hand to her bedroom where he flops straight on to her bed and she laughs.

"here." she pulls off his shoes and he peaks an eye open, looking down at her.

"undressing me?" he teases and she scoffs.

"no im taking your dirty shoes off of my white bedsheets." she tells him and he sighs.

"i wouldnt mind if you were undressing m-"

"go to sleep harry." she tells him though her red cheeks are no secret to the blonde boy watching her walk around to the other side of the bed.

"youre so fucking cute." he says, turning to lean on his arm as he stares at her sleepily and she rolls her eyes at him. "you can roll your eyes all you want i still said it."

willow laughs as she crawls under the covers that harry is laying atop of. "are you gonna get in?" she asks and he nods.

"shit yeah." he gets in next to her, moving so theyre barely inches apart. "cuddle?" he asks, a yawn following and before willow can even reply he pulls her into his chest.

she quickly felt herself relaxing into his arms as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

"youre such a flirt when youre drunk." she whispers and he chuckles, his chest vibrating against her cheek.

"just not as awkward." he sighs and she hums before she notices his eyes fall shut. the two lay in silence for a few minutes before willow sighs contently, closing her eyes.

"goodnight harry." she says, barely above a whisper.

"goodnight willow." he just gets out before he begins to snore.

though willow couldnt fall asleep that easily. all she could seem to do was lay thinking about how harry was going to react to waking up in her bed. she hoped it wouldnt be awkward or weird and that hed remember the night.

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