*muscly platypus noises*

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You stared at you're business partners big shiny beak, he was ever so handsome.

Oh and he's a platypus, I forgot to mention, This love...This love is wrong, you know that, but something about him, the way you could see his sarcastic emotes somehow, his turquois hue...everything.

And his little platypus GRGRGRGRGRGGRRG noise he made when he was happy.....And mad, and sad, and everything, because he is in fact a platypus, and can't talk.

You and him had long been friends, you got accepted into OWCA because they mistook you're ugly self for an animal, they decided to keep you after finding out you where a human out of pity...But not Perry, he didn't pity you. He was a true friend.

You and him often beat the evil middle aged man, who technically never did any actual evil but there wouldn't be a show otherwise.

Today mission was different. You had put a note in Perry's hat asking him out. 


Perry stood in front of you suiting up for the mission, He pulled his hat out of nowhere because this is a kids show and logic doesn't matter. When he went to put on the hat the note you wrote fell onto the floor, You blushed furiously while he bent down to pick it up, he read it slowly and looked you up and down.

He then proceeded to lunge at you and stab you and then run you over with a car repeatedly until you died because why would you like a literal animal. What is wrong with you.

The end. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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