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*Y/N's P.OV*

There was a knock on my door. "Come in" I said. Taehyung oppa came in.

"Oh oppa!" I said. He smiled and walked towards me "Why are you not ready?" He asked.

"Oppa! I can't find a nice outfit" he sighed. "Please help me" I made my puppy eyes. He sighed and looked at my closet. I know he can't resist my puppy eyes.

"Umm, what about this?" He said picking a black outfit.

"Umm, what about this?" He said picking a black outfit

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Oh! This outfits is nice. I remember I wore this on prom.

"This is good. Thanks oppa!" I said and he smiled "Anything for my sister" I giggled and went to changed.

I changed into it and tied my hair into a messy bun. I put a light makeup because I am not a big fan of it. I wore a matching pair of black heels.

 I wore a matching pair of black heels

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And tada! I am ready. Oh!!!

For your kind information I am Y/N, Kim Y/N. I am 22,I just turn on 22 on Y/B/M (Your birth month). I have my dad and three older brothers. My mom passed on a car accident when I was a little kid. My brothers took care of me like a mother. And now I am going to my childhood best friend Jungkook,Jeon Jungkook's birthday party. Yes today is his birthday and he will turn 24. He is one year older than me. His father and my father were best friends like us. We used to play along with my brothers and others friends when we were children. We studied in the same school but when we graduate from school,he went to America to study. I have last seen him on our graduation day and I haven't seen him in years. I wonder how will he look like. He was cute when we were at school and I think he is now handsome like my brothers.

I went downstairs and saw my handsome brothers waiting for me.

"Yah! What took you so long?" Jin oppa asked. "Sorry!" I stuck out my tongue in embarassment.

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