They are leaving kitagawa joinor high

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(Photo from Pinterest)

Y/n was a quiet girl in kitagawa she was close to kageyama , iwaizumi and oikawa but now that seeing oikawa and iwaizumi leave she was emotional trying to hide it

"Y/n-chan I wanna talk to you !" You hear oikawa say with iwaizumi following him

You slightly sniff looking at the ground standing still as they walk towards you

"Y/n-chan a-are you okay?" Oikawa says while standing infrount of you crouching trying to see your face

"Mhm" you say your voice almost braking as a tear falls

"It's okay kiddo we all knew this day would come" iwaizumi says hugging you

That's it you broke down giving tightly onto iwaizumi

Iwaizumi puled oikawa into the hug as he hugged you tightly his eyes watering but noting falling

(He's being tough)

"Why though can't you guys stay a little longer" you say wiping your eyes

You all back away from the hug as you look up to them

(They sent that tall it's just.. yea)

"I wish we could stay with you your like a sister to us y/n but you have our numbers we can stay in contact but your moving up to second year your growing up y/n were always gonna be 2years above you witch means we're gonna haft to graduate high school in 3years and probably never see you agi-"
Oikawa was cut of by iwaizumi hitting him on the head

"Oikawa too much" iwa says glaring at him not wanting you to be more upset

Iwaizumi crouches down to your level of head holding your arms making eye contact to your water red eyes
"Look kid I'm gonna miss you a lot there's gonna be no one to fear for us as loud as you do but who knows when you graduate junior high your volleyball team might be against ours" he says hugging you once agin a couple of tears falling from his eyes

Here's some back story
Iwaizumi has always been a brother to you when you were hurt he'd be there to give you a plaster when you were scared he'd be there to comfort you so this was hard for him too as he loved you like a sister of his own and leaving you behind didn't seam right to him he wanted to stay with you to take care of you

End of back story

He pulls back from the hug wiping the tears away that just fell from his urges standing back up looking towards oikawa he could see oikawa wanted to cry so iwa nudged him towards you and oikawa took the chance he hugged you tightly agin not wanting to let go you and him cried together and then

"Toru oikawa, Hajime iwaizumi it's time to comet your reports" a teacher says as he walked back into the hall where all the 3rd years are and the rest of the school wathcing them

"See you later kiddo" iwaizumi says parting your back and giving you a fist bump before stepping back from you and letting oikawa say good bye to you too

"Bye y/n-chan don't forget to text me or call me.." oikawa says before ruffling your hair and walking back into the hall leaving you standing wiping the last of your tears away

Time skip

You were in the hall sitting with kunimi , kindaichi and kageyama
(You are in between kindaichi and kageyama)

"Hey y/n you okay" kunimi asks as he leans over to see past kindaichi

"Y-yeah" you say sniffing mid way

Kunimi puts his hand behind kindaichi to you rubbing your arm as you look over to him as he mouths
"Your gonna be okay"
You smiled in response and alrighty nod

You turn your attention to the stage to see oikawa and iwaizumi looking at you your heart it's totally broken this is prohibit one of your worst days seeing 2 of your closest friends leave , well at least they have eachother you thought to your self.

~flash back~

You were running to the gym to see the guys until you tripped on the step to get into the gym your started crying looking at the blood on your knee and when you saw iwa looking at you I begged for help "iwa iwa" you said in a crying tone as he ran over to you with a wet towel
"You silly billy" he laughed a little at you
"Ow ow it hurts" you said as he applied the cold towel onto your wound while you squinted your your eyes to prevent the pain while you felt a hand on your back rubbing it back and forth turning around seeing oikawa smiling

~back into reality~

You felt tears falling off your face once agin as you hung your head low into your hands
"Y/n it's okay you still have us" kindaichi says as you look up seeing kunimi and kageyama smiling towards you as you smile looking back to the stage seeing iwa give you a thumbs up and oikawa smilie at you you nod and turn back to the boys and smile towards them

~2 years later~

Your now a 3rd year in kitagawa graduating to karasuno with kageyama, kunimi and kindaichi are going to Aoba Johsai High but kageyama and the guys had a argument they are no longer friends the only connection is you but this was difficult for you because you couldn't talk to them all at once you were standing on the stage in a order going
Kageyama - y/n - kunimi - kindaichi - other people
This was so akward for you you looked at kunimi and kindaichi and mouthed "good look for the future" and they smiled and nodded in a return for you too in side you felt bad as you don't know what to say to try get them to at least wish eachother good luck until kindaichi spoke "hey kageyama I jsut wanna say good luck for where your going but if we ever play aginst each other we are wining" as he points at him and kunimi you look towards kageyama as he looks away from the guys and you and looks towards the students holding his report acting as if he herd noting you look towards the guys agin as kunimi mouths "keep in contact with us" and that's when it hit you those words being you back to... 2 years ago
"H-hey kunimi" you say shyly

"Yea?" He days in concern

"Could you and kindaichi say h-hi to O-Oikawa and I-Iwaizumi for me ? And tell them to maybe text me" you ask in desperation

"Yea ofc y/n-" he says before you cut him off

"Actually um ignore the last but just tell them I said hi please" you felt embarrassed if they didn't text you so you had changed your mind

"Yea I will y/n don't worry" he says with confidence as you guys both look straight to the students you high in relief.

~time skip~

Before leaving school you say your good byes to kunimi and kindaichi with tears falling from your eyes "I'm gonna miss you guys" you say while sobbing into their chests with kageyama walking towards you guys you break away as they say bye and walk towards their house

"You ready ?" Kageyama says

"Ye- *sniff* yeah I'm ready" you say before walking beside him towards home


next chapter soon !!!

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