First day at karasuno

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(Photo of Pinterest)

*beep beep beep*
Your alarm goes off

"Ughhh" you moan as you sit up from you bed and look to your left and see your new uniform

'Yay new day, new school' you say to your self as you text kageyama

Kageyama :)

Hey you awake ?

Kageyama :)
Okay good we still meeting at the bridge ?

Kageyama :)
Yes I'm leaving at 7:40

Okay I'll leave at the same time see you soon!

Kageyama :)
Cu later

You quickly got dressed and washed your face and drudged your teeth then did your hair
(if you put make up on that's optional)
You went down stairs to eat breakfast after that you checked the time and see 7:37
So you put your shoes on said bye to your mum and dad and left and walked towards the bridge where you saw Kageyama

"Hey are you exited for your first day at high school" you ask him trying to start a conversation while you guys start walking

"If there's a volley ball club I can get into then yes if not then no, what about you how are you feeling" he asked as he looked down at you to see your response

"Well if I'm honest I'm kinda scared my only friend is you so I hope that we get into the same class and maybe if you do get into a volley ball club maybe I could be the manager because I sorta was in kitagawa exact I was more of a extra hand" you say as you look straight ahed

"Well It would be great to have you in my class and be my manager after all we've stuck together through thick and thin but I mean how are you feeling about not being with kunimi and kindaichi" he says moving his head straight ahed

"W-well I mean they both went to a different school and s-so did we and well.. I mean our group did get smaller and smaller but they have each other and we have each other s-so I think we will be okay.. right ?" You say stuttering it knowing what to say

"Right" he says plainly

~time skip~

You guys arrive and walk straight in you held onto Kageyama bag strap so you didn't loose him in the
Crowd becaus him being 5'9-6 ft and you being 5'1 it's a big difference
(If your not 5'1 just pretend)

"Oh look y/n" he says his voice having a tint of joy in it  "were in the same class" he finished his sentence as he pulls you towards the board

"Oh yea that's amazing!"You say looking up to him smiling "do you wanna go check out the gym now?" You say to him as you guys have 20 minutes Sapir

"Yea let's go maybe we can see if there's a manager spot available" he says holding your wrist and pulling you with him, you could tell he wanted to go and his walking increased.

You guys arrived at the gym and he let go of your hand as he saw other people in there

You guys stay out side the door and watch the guys practise

Haikyuu x reader  ߮߰🖤߮߬ ⃕ Where stories live. Discover now