Shadow and Warrior Part 1

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F.S.C.E Fortress 24 - A Dawnish Space Command Clustership

"Hey mom, this is Peter. I know I've hurt you by leaving. But I couldn't sit back at Dawn and do nothing."

A young boy was recording a message, "I know you don't like me talking about the war, so I will not. And don't worry, I will be safe with Amanda and Edgar." He happens to grow distressful, "This is what he would've wanted me to do. I hope I am making him proud." He paused before he began again, "There are some flowers in my room, I've been trying to grow them since... just make sure they reach the memorial."

He took a long breath trying to control himself, while behind him, a notification started beeping. "I have to get going. I promise I will be back...." And as a progress bar appears, the boy is lost in thought, the beeping continuing behind him.

The room was crystal blue, with white glowing stripes appearing across it in periodic patterns. On one side of the room, an antique bookshelf and locker, with something that might represent a capsule bed, all crammed together in the small space; on the other side of the room was a table with a helmet on it.

Peter turned towards the helmet, still lost in his thoughts; it had a silvery illustration of an eagle embedded in it. Its call-sign was 'Shadow 2'.

Not every nineteen-year-old human had the privilege of living a normal life, especially not during the time Peter was born in.

It is the year 2326, a decades-long war has been raging between Humans and 2 alien species, Alpheratzians and Alcidians. The war destroyed most of the human colonies, and now only two human planets remain. Earth and Dawn.
Earth, barely liveable, with only a few groups living inside special domes. And with the war, most of it was under hostile occupation.
Dawn, a relatively better place. But in a desperate attempt, the Dawnish government signed a peace treaty that spared it from the war. This was the last attempt by some loyal humans to gather what they could from Dawn and go to their home planet and continue fighting there.

Everyone from Peter's family was molded by the war; except his mom. She wanted Peter to live like a normal boy and not a soldier. She had helped develop a liking in him for reading, something quite rare in his generation. The books he read showed him fantasies of a normal life, a life with classmates over teammates, where families went for vacations and not missions. He believed that was how life on Earth used to be. But Peter was drawn to his father and couldn't help but fight the war.

The helmet sent beeps again, louder, as if it was screaming for Peter to pick it up.

Peter snapped out his thoughts and quickly got up and wore the helmet. Inside the helmet was a Heads Up Display that appeared on its visor.

Welcome, Peter Peckalham.....
Disconnected from the Ship network.....
Reconnecting to the Ship Network.....
'''You have missed one announcement.'''
'''You are been requested for a squad meeting'''

"Yeah right, I'm screwed, he is going to kill me for being late." Peter couldn't help but be anxious. The new Captain, though once shared the same ranks as him, wasn't particularly fond.

The message on his visor, adding to the silence in his room, only made him more anxious, until he was startled by an angry voice.

Six faces, including his own, appeared on the visor, with their call signs and names. Five of them were the Shadow squad, and the sixth was colored in a distinct white insignia, "F.S.C.E".

Federal Space Command Of Earth; The armistice did not allow them to wear their Dawnish insignias, so they had switched to that of Earth's Ex-Space Command.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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