X-men First Class: Chapter 1: Meeting him/Codenames

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June's POV

I was walking down the alleyway to find somewhere for dinner. I smell two people who where trying to find me. I started to walkway and I saw two men who were older than me. But I was way older than them, my physical age was 20, but mentally I was about 100 years old.
I was born in 1890, I was there when my brother James Buchanan or Bucky as most people call him and his best friend Steve Rogers or Captain America. I was best friends with Steve's love interest, Peggy Carter. She work as general in World War 2.

I looked at one of the guys. He had pretty brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. And white skin, I felt like he was the one. Then they both looked at me and the handsome guy with brown hair looked at me. We made eye contact. I smiled at him and he gave me a cute smile back. I trusted him.

I walked up to both of them " Hi, are you looked for something or someone?" I asked both of them. Then the other guy looked at me " Yes, but I think you know the answer." He had a British accent.

I looked at both of them " What do you want?" I said a little sassy. Then the handsome guy looked at me " My name is Erik Lehnsherr and this is Charles Xavier." He had a Polish or German accent. I smiled at them. They explained about a guy name Sebastian Shaw. I took out my hand and said with a smile " June Scarlett Barnes." They both leaned me to a car.

Time Skip

After a while, we all came to a building and Charles and Erik lead me to a room. Erik opened the door and I saw 6 people around my physical age.

Then Erik said to the group " Guys this is June, our last person, June this is Darwin..." he pointed to a African American guy who gave me a warm smile. I waved back.

Then Erik continued " And Angel..." I looked at a girl a couple years younger than me, she looked like 15 or 17 years old. I felt a motherly conversation. I smiled at her. She smiled back.

Then Erik continued " And Sean..." he pointed to a boy around 18 years old. He had ginger hair and brown eyes. He smiled at me.

Then Charles said to me " And Alex..." he pointed to a blonde hair boy who just nodded.

Then Charles said " And Hank..." he pointed to a boy with glasses. I waved at him. He just smiled back.

Then Charles said " And last but certainly not least is my sister, Raven." I saw a blonde hair girl and I said to everyone " Hi." Then I saw a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. I looked at Erik and Charles " Who's that?" I pointed to him. Then Erik said " Oh, This is my adoptive little brother, Kevin." I smile at him. He did a nodded just like Alex.

Then Erik said to us " Charles and I have to go to a meeting, but we will be right back." He smiled at me and looked at Angel and smiled at her as well. Then left the room.

I looked at everyone and Raven said " Come on, we don't bite." I laughed at sat in between Raven and Hank.

We all sat in silence, the Raven said " We should have secret codenames." We all looked at her. She said " We're government agents now, we should have secret codenames. I want to be called Mystique." She had a cheeky smile on.

Then Sean said " Danm!, I want to be called Mystique." We all laughed at this. Then Raven said to him " Well tough, I call it..." then she turned into Sean. I jumped up a little and said " That's amazing!" I grabbed my drink. I drank a little coke but since I'm a vampire I need blood to keep me alive. Then she said in his voice " I'm way more mysterious than you." We all clapped.

Then she turned back into her human form and then she turned to Darwin " Darwin, what about you, what can you do?" Then he said " Well, Darwin is already a nickname, and it sort of fits. Adapt to survive in all, check this out." He walked up to the fish tank and put his head in and gills came out of his neck.

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