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Same day

Kevin's POV

I saw how Cheryl went after that girl who had similar features as Toni. Fangs and I stayed back for a bit and watched them talk and then walked to where the others were when I saw they were saying their goodbyes. I was going to talk with Cheryl about that later.

Right now we were heading home after Cheryl got all the needed groceries. "So Cheryl, I saw you talking to some girl at the mall. What was that about" Veronica spoke up. Everyone said "yeah" in agreement, also wanting to know.

"It's nothing she just looked familiar and then we talked and exchanged numbers" she simply said.

"Well I saw a glimpse of her and I think you know who she looks like" Veronica said, trying to get something out of Cheryl.

"Yeah it was one of my old friends from college but I was wrong, it wasn't her".

I decided now I was going to speak up. "She looked like Toni, Cheryl and you know it. Why are you trying to act so secretive".

"It's nothing because once I tell you guys about her y'all are going to start coming up with these crazy theories" Cheryl said, sighing deeply at the end.

"Can we just talk about this later" she said, seconds later. "Okay" we all said and the rest of the ride was silent except for the low music playing on the radio.

Blossom Residence

We got home about 15 minutes ago and we unpacked all the groceries and looked at all of our clothes that we bought.

Now all of us were in the basement with the exception of Archie, Jazmine, and Maya. Fangs and Reggie were playing pool while Betty, Veronica, Cheryl, Jason and I were sitting at the bar.

"Since you guys want to know so badly, I'll tell you. Yes I know how similar she looks to Toni it's sort of scary. Her name is Morgan Holmes and the little boy with her was her son. His name is Asher and he was very shy".

"I already have my assumptions but did you see anything weird with her" Jason asked. Cheryl sighed then spoke again.

"Every time I said something that related to Toni her facial expression would change for a quick second then it went back to normal. So that's something weird I guess".

I already had my suspicions too, so I looked at Veronica, Betty, and Jason who looked deep in thought. "How old is the boy" Betty asked. "She said he was 4, turning 5 later this year" Cheryl responded.

Betty, Veronica, and Jason looked at me and I looked right back at them. "Why are you guys looking at me" I asked them, taking a sip of my drink in front of me. "We know you probably connected pieces together so fucking spit it out" Veronica said.

Betty hit Veronica on her shoulder and Veronica mumbled something under her breath.

"Sorry, I mean we know you have some assumptions so if you could share it with us that would be nice". I smiled and nodded my head, putting my drink down.

"So Morgan is obviously Toni's middle name as we know. One check. This 'Morgan' girl already looks so much like Toni, so there's another check. She kept reacting in a way every time you brought up something about Toni, so she could be Toni herself. Another check. There was a boy and his name is Asher and I remember you saying you and Toni wanted your child's name to be that. Toni abruptly left and maybe it's because she was pregnant with that Asher kid. He's 4 right? Well it's been like 4 years since you have seen Toni after she just disappeared off the face of the earth. There's so many checks that it has to be her Cheryl".

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