Calm after the storm

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Jason's POV

As the sound of bullets rang throughout the house I was frantically searching for Betty and Toni. "Betty!! Toni!!!" I yelled as I opened another door and they were not in there. I continued searching until I heard an ear piercing scream and I rushed to where it came from. I saw Toni there on the floor and Betty was knocked out on the other side.

I slowly walked up to the person and knocked them out using the butt of the gun with full force. I took their gun and placed my pistol in my pants. "You okay" I asked Toni and she just shook as she looked at me in fear. I closed the door and bent down to her.

"Remember we're not here to hurt you okay. If we wanted to I could just let that person take you and probably let them continue to hurt you. You don't want to be with those bad people anymore right" I asked her and she slowly shook her head no.

"Okay then I'm going to need you to come with me. First I gotta get ms sleepy head over there" I pointed behind me. A gunshot went off scaring Toni and I looked to see Betty holding her head and her gun while a dead body was on the floor.

"Well ms sleepy head seems to be more aware than mr wakey head" Betty said as she groaned getting up. I rolled my eyes and helped her up.

Suddenly the door busted open and we both pointed our guns but it was just Fangs. He let out a breath of relief saying "I thought they took you guys". "Man don't just stand there grab Toni and let's go to the bunker" I told him.

He looked at me confused then I remembered only Cheryl and I knew of the bunker. "Just follow me" I said as I continued carrying Betty's weight. We walked out the back, shooting some of the intruders in the way. We made sure no one saw us and quickly entered the bunker.

We let Toni and Betty inside and then me and Fangs went back to the house to get to the others and bring them to the bunker also. As we were searching for them, shots rang out and Fangs started to grunt. I looked for the shooter and saw something flash by in the corner of my eye. I was about to run after them but Fangs got shot.

"Shit Fangs, you're bleeding a lot" I said then realized he got shot right in the stomach. "I have to get you to the bunker first" I said as I carefully made my way outside to the back. I checked my surroundings then entered the code to the bunker. I helped Fangs inside and laid him in Betty's lap.

"Seems like you addressed your wound. Think you could address his?" I asked her. She nodded and then pulled out a kit and went to work. "Stay safe fangs everything will be okay" I told him as I squeezed his hand before walking away.

Hours later

The entire mansion was a complete mess with dead bodies outside and mostly inside the house. Reggie, Fangs and I were actually in the back of a cop car as the mansion was surrounded by police.

It's expected as this is a private neighborhood so the sounds of multiple gunshots would alert neighbors. The girls and Kevin were speaking with the police and probably yelling at them to let us out of the car and handcuffs.

"Man what a day it has been" Reggie groaned as he leaned his head back against the window. "What these officers need to focus on is finding Aria and the rest of her bitch ass family" I grunted out.

We stayed in silence for a few more minutes until the car door opened and we were let out of the car and handcuffs.

"Sorry for the misunderstanding boys, we just wanted to de-escalate the situation. I hope you can understand" the officer said. I nodded and said "Yeah yeah but I hope our friends told you about this Aria chick".

"Yes actually we have her in the precinct right now as we speak. One of your friends had called us and filled us in on some things before we came here".

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