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Awsten awoke to people speaking in hushed, harsh tones around him.

"I said he was having a nightmare, Aubs!"

"Fat chance, Geoff. He was practically attached to you!"

"Would you not comfort your best friend if she needed it?"

Awsten's eyes flew open. Everyone else around them was still asleep. Awsten was out of Geoff's arms and had a blanket placed neatly over him.

"I wouldn't cuddle her like my girlfriend!"

Awsten was staying dead still.

"Aubrey, I'm not gay, if that's what you're implying. I don't love him."

"I hope you don't."

Awsten shut his eyes a lot tighter. Geoff was lying. Geoff was lying. That's all it was. Geoff was lying.


All day, Awsten could not get his mind off of Aubrey and Geoff's conversation. He'd never seen Aubrey like that before. Every time he saw them kiss he felt a sort of rage. Why did Awsten care that Geoff said that?

Awsten wasn't gay either. He couldn't be. He just loved when Geoff would hold him and tell him pretty things and kiss him tenderly. But that didn't mean he had to be gay, right? He just liked that he had someone to lean on. That must have been what Geoff meant, too. Maybe Awsten's lips never truly belonged anywhere near Geoff.

Their meetups were entirely platonic. That was it. They both needed someone and Geoff had found her. Now Awsten had to go find some girl to replace Geoff. But no other lips would feel as good as his, no other voice would sound as sweet, no other touch would be as electric. Platonically.

Geoff and Aubrey didn't know that Awsten heard heard the conversation, and he did not plan on bringing it up. Awsten noticed Aubrey being a bit colder to him the whole day. Just what he needed. Whatever- Awsten didn't like talking to her, anyway.

Everyone had just finished dinner now, and Awsten was getting ready to go on a small trek through the woods with some friends. Unfortunately, Aubrey would be accompanying them, but Awsten assumed so in the first place.

It was hot, and that was a problem for Awsten. He hadn't even packed any short sleeves because he was afraid of his friends seeing them. Those thin white slits lining his wrists, the ones that weren't there last summer. He hated looking at them and he didn't want to worry his friends, so Awsten put on one of his many sweatshirts and met up with the group outside.

He immediately noticed how vast the forest really was. They were surrounded by colossal trees on all sides, with thick trunks the size of lighthouses. Awsten felt like he was about to be swallowed by the monsters with leaves.

Even if it was still light out, the forest was a terrifying prospect of darkness.

The group of about ten began their walk. Twigs and branches snapped to the rhythm of each person's step.

"I feel like I'm going to get kidnapped out here," Awsten joked.

A few people laughed, Geoff included. Aubrey's usually-sweet face was stern and unwavering. Without her bright smile she was pretty average-looking.

Soon, they came to another clearing, and the group decided it was time to turn back. Awsten was about to crack another joke until he saw Aubrey plant her hand in Geoff's hair and give him a quick kiss. Awsten lost his balance and went tumbling to the rocks and sticks below.

Geoff was the first one to his aid, ripping away from Aubrey's grasp and running straight to Awsten.

"Holy fuck!" Awsten gasped.

He was grabbing his knee in agony. Soon everyone was crowded around him. Aubrey chose to stay on the outskirts of the circle.

"Shit, what happened, Awsten?" Geoff inquired, crouching down and putting his arm around Awsten's shoulder.

"I don't know, I just lost my footing and I- holy shit that hurt."

Awsten took his hands from his knee and saw red staining them. The wound was even worse when he looked down.

"Are you okay, Aws?" Geoff cooed.

Awsten stared into those crystal blue eyes and nodded. Tears pricked at his eyes again. Everything had built up inside him and he was ready to let it all go. Not only did his leg hurt terribly, but he'd needed to cry since Geoff and Aubrey's conversation.

He tried his best to keep his tears from falling but a few escaped their restraints. "I'm sorry to cry," Awsten swallowed. "That hurt really bad. You guys can go without me."

Murmurs of don't be sorry fell upon the crowd. Geoff wrapped his arms tightly around Awsten in an attempt to comfort him. "No, we're not leaving you."

All Awsten could think to do was lean into Geoff's chest and cry. Geoff was cradling him like he always did last summer. God, Awsten looked like such a baby. It took mere seconds for him to suppress his cries and announce that he was ready to get up.

"Sorry about that," Awsten sniffled again while Geoff and Otto were hoisting him up, "I don't know what made me fall so hard. I wouldn't have cried except for the fact that my entire fucking knee is gone."

He managed to smile through the throbbing pain in his leg. One face in the crowd was looking extremely sour, however- Aubrey's.

"Are you sure it's not broken, Awsten?" someone asked as they watched him limp on Otto and Geoff's shoulders.

"I'm fine. I'll just need every band-aid on earth when we get back."

Geoff and Otto were being extremely patient with him, which he was thankful for. Blood seeped down from the wound and trickled onto the leaves below. It was a good thing he'd worn basketball shorts, or else his whole leg would have been caked in the red substance.

Awsten couldn't help but notice that Geoff was taking extra care with how he assisted Awsten in walking. Each step was tailored to exactly how the younger needed it to be. They were almost to the cabin, when- snap.

Aubrey had fallen on a stray branch, except this time, someone was there to catch her.

"Woah, that was a close one!" her savior laughed.

She flashed a smile and a little giggle in response, but as she stormed up to the cabin porch, Awsten knew that her fall was completely intentional.

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