-His Birthday-

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Vlad wasn't excited. He may be turning 12 today, but that wasn't gonna make him very happy.

He wanted more then this, he wanted to feel happy. The bluebells in his room were already wilted from not taking care of them, as they laid on the ground untouched.

Vlad stood up, walking towards the bluebells on the floor. He picked them up with care, trying not to break any petal off. However, some loose petals flew to the floor despite his care.

He wondered if Charlotte's life was better then this.

"No, I shouldn't think like that. I still have mother." He thought out loud, but despite that- he knew his mother wasn't going to help. She couldn't.

"COME DOWN HERE, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" A angry voice yelled from downstairs. Of course, it was his father. The familiar angry tone Vlad would never mistake.

Vlad didn't bother getting properly dressed, as usually on his birthdays the only thing he would get is a day off from hard work.

He made his way downstairs, holding the wilted bluebells carefully. However, as soon as he got downstairs the bundle was smacked out of his hands by his father.

He looked over at his mother, who watched.

Why is she just looking at me like that? Vlad thought, before looking up at his father.

"You've been nothing but a curse in this family. I feed, cloth you, and this is what I get in return? A nobody?" His father spoke, grabbing a knife.

"I'm not a nobody, dad-" Vlad was cut off by a knife pressed to his throat. Vlad's heart pounded in fear, his breathing quickening. He never felt such panic before.

"If you think your not a nobody, why not prove it to me? This will probably get you to UNDERSTAND!" Vlad let out a shriek as something stabbed into his eye. His eye felt like it was on fire.

Vlad could hear the distant call of his mother, but he couldn't hear what she was saying over his own screams.

Eventually it fell silent once the knife was removed, and Vlad fell to his knees and covered his wounded eye.

"I'm not done with you yet, boy."

"JACOB STOP IT PLEASE!" His mother cried, grabbing onto his father. However, her efforts were in vain as his father grabbed Vlad by the head and struck Vlad in the other eye.

"Your eyes were the thing I hated the most about you. Their violet gaze always on me when I entered the room. How they mocked me. And now..." His father chuckled and took the knife out of Vlad's eye, Vlad covering both of his eyes.

"I won't see them ever again. Nor you. Get out of my house." His father said sternly, a knife digging into Vlad's shoulder when not moving. Vlad cried and stood up weakily, a slash hitting his leg which nearly caused him to fall. He limped out of the house as fast as he could.

Nowhere else to go, Vlad went to his favorite place. The small flower garden in the forest.

Vlad limped, blood trickling down his leg and shoulder. Possibly his eyes even as he limped into the forest.

He didn't need his eyes to remember where he was, as he usually comes here everyday that he practically memorized where it was.

"V-Vlad?! Oh my goodness!" He heard a familiar voice, stopping him in his tracks.

"..Cha..rl..ot..te?.." He spoke weakily, before falling onto the grass. He felt two hands managing to pull him into a familiar area. He could smell the flowers, but also his blood.

"O-Oh my goodness, V-Vlad your bleeding-" She spoke, her voice terrified. She sounded like she was crying.

"C-Charlotte.. It's okay." Vlad tried to comfort her, but he felt too tired to do so.

He felt a quiet ringing which slowly got louder, and eventually he felt himself go limp. And the ringing stopped.

(His Birthday complete.)

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