how you met them :: octavialle

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Azul — Imagine, when you were twelve you were going scuba diving with your parents into the Great Coral Sea

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Azul — Imagine, when you were twelve you were going scuba diving with your parents into the Great Coral Sea. Your objective? Looking for beautiful fishes and sea coral. Of course being a child you dove too deep into the water and came across a small rather rough looking cave. With a closer look you made out what looked like two mermen blocking the entrance with less than kind words being spewed. Curious to who they were talking to that rudely you swam towards the cave to look inside. Despite being eyed weirdly by the two foul-speakers you proceeded inside. Peeking to reveal a small octo-mer seemingly scared evident by the tears flowing out of their eyes. Quickly casting a water breathing spell you asked if they were alright. This man couldn't even speak with whimpering. You remembered you had parents and promised him you'd come back someday so you gave your name like exchanging phone numbers. You kept coming back because NEVER break promises and now y'all are besties.🥱

Jade — "Hello sir, would you like to sign up for our rewards program." You slumped over the counter bringing out a members card. "Would you mind listing the benefits?" He snickered. "Are you serious man. You come in here everyday snatch our stock of mushroom seeds and your aren't going to sign up to save like a dollar?" Its always the same with him. Attending school with the Leech twins is vile enough but to have one of them discover your place of work was a 100 times worse. "Okay man listen I get paid on commission just sign up for the damn rewards program." You practically begged him. "It would seem like nobody wants to join the program?" He smiled innocently. "It's fucking Petco everyone who wanted to join has already joined I just want my paycheck." "It certainly seems that way but not to worry, I will indeed join. "Oh thank fuck." You heaved a sigh of relief and leaned against the wall to complete his order. "I'll talk to you more at school~" "Don't."

Floyd — Dance dance revolution. No more needs to be said but I'll say more anyways. It was Saturday a fine day to test your DDR abilities once more. Ever since you were a young child you've been SPECTACULAR at dance dance revolution. Beating any and everyone who dared to challenge you. So today like any other free day you walked into the arcade to collect your daily boost of confidence within the DDR machine. Fortunately for you, you wouldn't have to play alone as you approached the machine so did another person. At first you thought 'this bitch-' but then realized it's fun going against another person so erased the thought from your mind. "I'll pay." You awkwardly stated and put money in for both of you. "Sweet don't be butt-hurt when I beat you though." You evilly laughed. A very unique laugh too surely one to remember. "Challenge accepted." You scrolled through looking for a song to pick until the guy spoke up. "PSMO do expert." He leaned against the railing squinting his eyes a bit at the screen's light. "I see you cherish your legs.." You reluctantly selected it. Your legs were GONE. Still won though. "Hah! Loser I beat you..." You said before sitting on the nearest chair. "Ah my legs sting...good game!" He boasted and then got up like nothing happened. "Let's play again sometime I'll be back!" He giddily left. "What the actual fuck."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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