Chapter 6

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"Oh shoot"
I checked the time and It was 12;05
Had I really spent that much time chatting to a random boy that spilled coffee all of over me?


But I didn't mind, he was really cute and so sweet
"I must get going, I'm so late for my train" I say interrupting our conversation.
"Oh, we're are you off to?" He asked
"Why?" I smiled pulling a curious face
"Well I have no plans today s-"
"So u want to come with me?" I say interrupting him
"Maybe" he says smiling
"Well , I suppose , it's not like I have anyone else to hang out with"I say
"Oh wait so your new here?" He said waiting for an answer
"Yeah , I moved here from Miami just yesterday"
"O.M.G, so u haven't seen London properly yet"
"What do you m-"
Before I could say anything he grabbed my hand and began to run towards the train station"
We ran threw the streets gripping hands but I didn't think much of it, I was to distracted by the London streets, all the shops, all the restaurants. I loved it. We continued to run as the sun was shining down on us making me run out of breath.
"Where are we going?!!!" I called out not sure if he was going to hear me because of how fast we were running
"You'll see" he calls out

I listen to him and we continue to run still holding hands.

We arrive at the train station and just as we got there a train pulled up with the door about to close.
We quickly ran towards the train and JUST about made it, honestly we were a second away from missing it. We looked at each other out of breath and realised we were still holding hands. We let go awkwardly looking away. This train was VERY VERY busy. There wasn't a single seat spare.
These two men offered us 2 seats and of course we said yes.
We sat down and I sat near the window

"Um... so we're are we going Louis???" I say breaking the silence
"It's a surprise" he smirks
I looked out the window to see central London which was really pretty btw. Especially since it was a hot day there were lots of people around.
"Come on were here" Louis says out of nowhere
Should I trust this guy- I mean where was he even taking me like I literally just went and got on a train with this random dude that isn't even telling me where we're going?

I got up and we walked out of the train and away from the train station

We were strolling around London were I saw the London eye which I've seen all over Pinterest in the back of these cute photos , we most be somewhere very popular.

We walked away from the busy street and and onto a much quieter road.
We walked threw this ally way between these restaurants which looked so good btw I was so hungry but didn't want to say anything.
" it's up there" Louis turns to me
"What do you mean?" I ask very nervous
"We have to climb up this ladder BUT don't worry it's not too high up" he tells me
WHAT???????? This latter went all the way to the top of a building that was VERY high...... well quite High. ok maybe it wasn't THAT high but it still was.
"How can I trust u we only met this morning" I say to him looking back down from the building
"Well....I guess you'll just have to trust me" he says smirking.
"I don't but-"
By the time I had opened my mouth to say something he had already started climbing the ladder holding his arm out, I'm guessing he was expecting me to take his hand right.
"Please" he says waiting for me to take his hand.
He was so cute how could I say no????
I thought to myself for a second. Well you only live once.
I grab his hand and he smiles down at me making me smile. He continues climbing with me right below him until he reaches to the top and helps me up. I look down and could see all of london from up here. It was so pretty
I look back at him so see him already looking at me


He was almost as pretty as the view.
"Are you hungry"he says cutting my thoughts off
"Ugh yeah why"
"Because I can order us food to up here if you like"
"Really?!" I say kinda shocked
"Yeah, choose a restaurant that you can see and I'll order it for us"
We both end up pointing at the same one which made us both laugh
"He brang out his phone and ordered it from the website leaving a note saying *bring it up to the roof top on 67 street number 32 jubellee cafe* which made us both laugh
"Wanna take a picture" He nervously says looking at me waiting for an answer
"Ugh yeah sure why not" I say smiling
He goes onto the camera and holds up his phone getting all of London in the back

I hope you enjoyed this chapter because I definitely did writing it! <8

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