Chapter 11

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HEY GUYSS omg I haven't been on here for a week and I'm so sorry! I was taking some time off to focus on school and stuff but I'm back now!<3
Tysm for 150 reads I appreciate it and love you all!

"I'll teach you"
I felt myself blushing so much Louis wants to teach my how to skateboard how could I say no?

"Let's goo" Vinnie shouted jogging away towards the skatepark in exitement with nailea following behind him,

We walked threw the busy street with Louis by my side. It was so pretty we could see the sun setting behind all the shops and restaurants and it was the prettiest thing,

"Its so pretty" I said to Louis who was looking out at the sunset as we continued walking

"I know, I love it"

He smiled down at me looking back into the sunset
Then I soon felt our hands touch,I didn't know wether to hold his hand or not so I just kept it there with our hands still gazing across each other's,
I then felt his fingers rap around mine.we were holding hands,


I looked at him and just smiled.

We had now arrived at the skatepark and there was no one one.

Nailea and Vinnie turned around waiting for us as we were a little behind them, Vinnie and Louis had left there skateboards at the park as it's never busy there,
Vinnie looked down to see mine and Louis hands locked together.still.
For some reason Vinnie looked abit annoyed if I was being honest idk why but he just had this annoyed look on his face for some reason,
Louis slowly removed his hand from mine and began walking with vinnie to get there boards leaving me and nailea behind.

"I saw you both holding hands" nailea smirked

"Huh" I knew exactly what she meant but wanted to act like I didn't know what she was talking about.

"You know,you and Louis, did you think me and Vinnie didn't notice you both holding hands the whole time we were walking, it's sooo cute, you both would make the cutest couple"

I didn't have a clue what to say, I mean Louis is really cute and so sweet but I don't like him like that...I think?...

"What are you two smiling about?" A deep voice said interrupting my thoughts
It was Louis.

"Nothing lol" nailea turned to Louis

"Yeh right" Louis looked at us

We all kinda just stood there not knowing what to do next,
"So are are you gonna teach me how to skateboard or what partridge?" 
"Oh yeh" he said chuckling.
"I'll teach nai how to skateboard and you teach lily" Vinnie concluded.

I followed Louis to the other side of the skatepark away from the slatepark were there wasn't big ramps and there was just flat ground.
He placed the skateboard on the ground in front of him and grabbed my hands
"Right so firstly stand on the skateboard to balance because balance is key" Louis said
I stepped on the skateboard and wobbled abit making him come closer to make sure I didn't fall
"Don't worry, I've got you"
I stood on the skateboard trying to get my balance until I finally did

"That's perfect, wanna try actually skate now?" Louis laughed Making me laugh with him
His hands were in mine making sure that I didn't fall

"Ok so now all you do is put ur good foot infront near the top of the board and your gonna use the other to push to make you move ok?" He said waiting for me to do so.

I did as he said and began to slowly push off making me move very slowly, I began to push of more as I moved faster , I hit a small rock making the skateboard stop with me falling of it.
"Omg are you okay lily, I'm sorry I should of made sure there were no rocks in the way" Louis said running over

"It's okay Louis I'm okay, I forgot that rocks make the wheels stop" I laughed still on the ground

"Let me help you up"

Louis gave out his hand pulling me up, there was the prettiest sunset behind him, everything looked so beautiful, even Louis. We stood there for a second just staring and each other until he turned around gazing at the sunset with me.

I sat down and he sat down next to me whilst nai and Vinnie were still skating
"You always get the best sunsets here" Louis looked out smiling
I looked over at his to see the orange sun shining on him making his brown eyes glow, he was so beautiful, his brown hair was glowing too he wasn't just so pretty.
He looked at me seeing me stare at him, we just sat down looking into each others eyes with the sunset just behind us, time just stopped ,everything stopped . You could hear Vinnie and nai laughing together as Vinnie was still teaching nai to skate and she had fell over a couple times.
Everything was perfect, I was just living in the moment not thinking about the past or the future

I loved it

So yeh this is chapter 11 I hope u likeee ,this chapter was kinda cheesy so next chapter won't be as cheesy and more interesting so yehh it's just to show u and Louis have a very good bond, lyyy

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