Alice's twin sisters chapter one part two

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Authors note:stephinie Meyer owns the twilight characters I own Alex

~chapter one part two~

~Alex's point of view~

The first one to snap out of it seemed to be the mother of this family. Esme I think her name was. She gave me a hug. SHE GAVE ME A HUG!! I screamed in my head. I watched as the redhead , Edward I think it was clutch is head. Ha so he is the mind reader. Esme then said" I am so sorry you went through that and sense your Alice's sister your apart of our family too." WAIT I HAVE FAMILY!!!! Eddie boy clutched his head in pain. Hmm I like the sound of that. Eddie boy.. Eddie boy.. Eddie bo... i was cut off mid thought by Eddie boy yelling " my name is edward not Eddie boy." he seethed hmm he's devensive. Mental note ask ally if Eddie boy is gay." I'M NOT GAY" he yelled. The big one Emmett burst out laughing. "no need to be devensive if your gay it's fine I won't hold it against you. Oh and if you dare touch my car I will crush your precious Volvo. " I said smirking. He glared at me. If looks could kill ran through my mind. Eddie boy suddenly reminded me of James he had HUGE anger issues. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead... Ran through my head. John watch over me I prayed as Eddie boy lauched himself at me.

~Alice's point of view~

I have my sister back. I was so happy. She even called Edward gay and treatened his Volvo. Edward launched himself at Alex and she didn't even move. She just stood there. I was not losing my sister again. "Edward Cullen" I yelled " if you hurt my sister I'll dress you and bella in pick for the rest of eternity". Poor Bella looked scared but Edward walked out the door muttering about revenge. Emmett burst out laughing. But Alex being who she was yelled " sorry Edward " I love my sister. I was thinking about dressing up Alex in some of the new clothes I bought. "Alice I saw what your planning. No dress up for me. I hate dress up." she must have known I was upset because she said "fine but I have a few rules. 1. I always wear black. 2. I hate pink. 3. I dress causual. 4. No and I mean no heels. " yes this will be so much fun I thought while grabbing her hand an dragging Alex to my closet. I hope she likes it. I opened my closet. She looked at me and said" this is a closet really" she asked exasperated. Let the fun begin.

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