The Beginning...

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"Hey watch it!!" I said as someone bumped into me. My luggage was everywhere. "I'm so sorry!" The boy said to me as he helped me pick my luggage up. Luckily my owl, Heydia, was okay. "It's whatever" I replied as my dad caught up with me. "Y/N I was looking everywhere for you!" Dad said worriedly. The boy looked at my dad and he stood there in awe. "Wait y-your Y/N Potter? THE Y/N Potter?!" The boy asked. I sighed, "Yes I am Y/N Potter. That's my dad Harry Potter and my mom Ginny Potter". The boy couldn't believe his eyes. "I'm Clay but you can call me Dream" Clay said as he took his hand out for me to shake. I shook it. "Yeah you already know who I am" I said as I heard my Uncle, Ron, talking to Dad. "Yeah there's my dad and mom over there" Clay said pointing to Ron and Hermione. "Wait my uncle, Ron, and Aunt Hermione?!" I asked. "Yeah that's why I was happy to see you, cousin!" Clay said happily. I gave him a hug. "I haven't seen you since we were babies!" I said happily. "Come on kids we gotta go to platform 9 3/4" Dad said. I walked with my luggage talking with my cousin. We reached the wall where platform 9 3/4 is. I was really excited. "Okay who wants to go first? Alexis, Clay, or Y/N?" Dad asked. "I do Dad!" I said very excitedly. "Okay go ahead you know how this works" Dad said as he got my luggage lined up. I ran with my luggage into the wall and ended up at platform 9 3/4. Shortly after I got there Clay and Alexis both arrived behind me. Our parents following us. We walked the the door where we had to enter to get on the train. "Okay i will see you during the holidays then, Y/N." Dad said giving me a hug, "don't get any howlers, don't get caught in the forbidden forest, and make sure to write to me" "Okay Dad I love you" I said pulling out of the hug. "Love you too. Oh don't forget to see Hagrid before you go to bed tonight okay?" Dad said as I got on the train. "Okay bye dad!!" I yelled as the doors shut behind me. I was so ready to go to Hogwarts. I checked my pocket and I seen that I had about 50 Golden coins. I smiled as my dad had let me have all of his extra money from when he left hogwarts. I found a seat on the train and sat down. Clay found me after a while and sat next to me. "Hey cousin!" He said as he seen me. I had earbuds in so I wasn't paying attention and he startled me so I jumped. "Oh my god Dream!" I said as he sat down laughing. "Oh come on it was funny!" Clay said as a new guy walked in and he looked nervous. "I will be right back" I said. Clay nodded in response and I left our train car. "Hello!" I said to the guy who was standing outside of our car. "Hi" he said as he looked at me. "Do you have a place to sit?" I asked. "No" He responded. "Well wanna sit with me and my cousin?" I asked politely. Clay smiled at the boy and the boy blushed a little. I noticed and I whispered, "Are you gay? Or bi?". The boy blushed even more and nodded. I squealed and a young girl came up to me as I squealed. "Will you keep it down?!" She asked. "Sorry!" I said as she entered our train car. I entered after her and the boy followed me. The young girl sat next to me and the boy sat next to Clay. "Hello I'm Clay it's nice to meet you guys!" Clay said. "Hi Clay, my name is Nikita but you can call me Niki" Niki said. "I'm George" the boy said. "Nice to meet you both I'm Y/N Potter" I said waiting for a squeal. Niki and George both looked at me and smiled. "I can tell we are all going to be great friends" I said smiling at them. Eventually the snack car came around and Clay was the only person who bought something. "Is that Y/N Potter?!" The snack cart lady said. "Yes it is!" I said happily. "Well Y/N, you can have anything you would like off the cart! I'll pay for it!" She said smiling and pulling the cart into our train car. Everyone in my car was in shock. "Thank got very much ma'am!" I said as she left. "Can we maybe have something, N/N" Clay asked. "You guys can have anything you don't need to ask!" I said grabbing a chocolate frog. Niki and George both grabbed some things and Clay grabbed two things. We finally arrived at Hogwarts and we exited the train. I seen Hagrid waiting for some kid by our exit doors. I waved to him and he came up to me. "Well hello there Y/N." Hagrid said as he squatted down. "Hi Hagrid! My dad told me a lot about you" I said happily as we started walking next to each other. He told me really nice things about my dad and then we entered the Great Hall. I was excited as I looked around and saw lots of people. I seen the Gryffindor house and I knew that's where I was going to get sorted. We all lined up as our new headmaster, Professor McGonagall, started to read off the names of who was getting sorted. I then heard Clay Weasley with clapping from Gryffindor. Clay sat down under the sorting hat. "Hmm....very mixed choice here" The sorting hat said. Clay was very nervous. "SLYTHERIN!!" The sorting hat yelled. I was in disbelief. The Slytherin house welcomed Clay with open arms. Niki got sorted into Hufflepuff and George got Ravenclaw. I was very nervous. "And now we have..Y/N Potter!" Professor McGonagall said. The whole Great Hall gasped. They started cheering for me before I even got to the sorting hat. I don't know why I'm so special but apparently I am. I sat under the sorting hat. "Ahh yes..Y/n Potter..hmm...yes okay.." the sorting hat said. I was very nervous. "Oh wow any preferences?" The sorting hat asked. I whispered Slytherin so nobody but the sorting hat could hear me. I couldn't leave Clay. "It has been decided. Y/n Potter your hogwarts house is...."

1181 Words
Okay guys this is my second book and I wanted to write it so that I don't always have to write my Dnf book. I'm excited for this book!! It will be very detailed as you can see but we've already been indroduced to Clay, George and Niki. Hopefully you guys like this book!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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