End of MaNan ?

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Manik : I love you Nandini. I don't know whether my friends will accept you or not. I can't live without you but I also can't leave without my friends.

Nandini : What are you saying Manik ? You can't do this to us. You know what we are now ? We are not same as before. Will my family accept me ?

Manik (shouts) : Us...Do yo really think we can survive? I'm done with you Nandini. We are done. I can't handle you and my friends. It's just simple I'm choosing my friends over you.

Nandini leaves from there and starts walking on the street like a lifeless person.

Nandini's Pov
~ Manik , I loved you way more that I loved my family. It's you who broke us today and I can't forgive you but I can't let my dream go away from me. I have to complete what I have started. It's just a starting Mr Manik Malhotra. You will regret for messing with me~

Somewhere in India

Girl : Dad , I miss him so much. I can't wait to meet him. He is mine and I will make him mine. This time that bitch have to pay for it.

Somewhere in Mumbai

Man : Last time it was fun messing with fab5 and Nandini. I'm coming again. I heard that their life is boring now so I wanna spice it up.

Malhotra Mansion ( Basement )

We can see a boy sitting in a corner and crying his heart out.

Boy : What's happening in my life ? Why can't I fight for my love ? Am I that weak ?

Hey guys !
Hope you guys like this part and I know you guys must be angry on me 😂 for writing a suspicious start. On serious note I have nice and kinda unique ideas for this story so please support and shower your love.
So guys I thought to make it more fun by giving a option for next part.

Option 1 : Reveal who is in basement of Malhotra Mansion.

Option 2 : Reveal who is the girl

Please comment what you guys want

Till then stay safe and healthy guys.
Stay at home and spend time with your family. Tata bye byee ❤

MaNan~After Talent HuntWhere stories live. Discover now