Or Is It A Start ?

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-In Murty House- 

Nandini is packing her bag when she received a message from a person

•the message•
You can come now and I prepared everything for you here. See ya.

Nandini: Be ready Manik ( with a smirk )

Nandini goes down to the kitchen to meet chacha and Chachi.

Nandini: Chacha Chachi take care of yourself pls. I will be back soon and I will come to meet you guys once a week.

Chacha: We will beta. Just be careful. I know Manik beta will be there but still, I don't trust another person there.

Chachi: Yes Nandini. Be careful and bring my baccha back to me.

Nandini: Don' worry chacha chachi I will come back soon. Bye.

She hugs them and leaves from there. Note- Rishab doesn't exist in my story.

-Malhotra Mansion-

~Manik's Pov~
I don't know how are you Nandini. I'm stuck here and I don't know for how long. I know you will save me but just be careful with everyone. The people you trust can be the people who will backstab you. I'm waiting love.
~End of Pov~

Nandini enters Malhotra Mansion. Nyonika comes out to see Nandini and she went to her. Nyonika hugged Nandini.

Nyonika: Welcome beta. How are you and how is my grandchild?

[Writer's Talk]
Yes, guys, Nandini is pregnant and if you have read my last part then there I gave a hint. So now let's continue.
[End of talking session 🙈]

Nandini: He is fine ma. How are you? Did you get any clue about Manik's behaviour?

Monika: I'm fine beta and I wanna talk about that too and I don't know how to say it but beta Manik is missing.

Nandini went speechless. She can't believe what she heard. Her Manik can hate her but he can never leave her. She doesn't how to react.

~Nandini's Pov~
Stay strong Nandini. You have to find Manik. I know Nyonika is not a good person and Manik told me


Manik: Listen Nandini Don't believe anyone around you when I'm not there with you. I have kept you away from all the negativity till now but I don't know whether I can do that now or not so remember my words don't trust anyone in my absence.

°End of flashback°

I know something happened to you Manik. I wanna make you regret not bcoz you broke my heart but for hiding the truth. It's not end of MaNan.

~End of Nandini's Pov~

Nyonika: Are you okay Nandini. ? I know it's hard for you to believe but we will find him soon.

Nandini: I'm fine ma.

She leave to Manik's room and looks at the photo frames and recalls their happy moments. Soon she fall into deep slumber.


Here is the second part and sorry for the delay guys. I would like to thank all of you guys who supported me and showered a lot of love for the last part. I hope you guys enjoy this part. Feel free to share your thoughts it will help me to improvise my story.

To all the lovely readers , please be nice on the comment section.

Why did Nyeonika lie to Nandini ?

Why Manik is in Basement ?

Will Nandini be able to find Manik ?


OPTION 1 : MaNan reunion
OPTION 2 : Nandini find truth behind Nyeonika and Manik.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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