Chapter 4. To punish and enslave

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I sat down at the dining table, looking through the files I got today from Mark and Nicole. It's around seven in the evening and it had been a very strange busy day. I still didn't want to judge Cade, but I could say he's a very strange guy and not as shy as I thought he would be. Peter broke his leg thanks to Cade and is now in hospital for treatment.

I took a sip of the tea and perked my head as there was a knock on the door. Opening the door, there was a guy I didn't know. "Hello, I am a friend of Cade, might if I come in?" he asked. I frowned and stepped aside, feeling a little nervous and anxious. "A friend of Cade? Then what do you want from me?" I asked, closing the door. "Nothing, just curious about his partner... that's all," he replied.

I looked over the man, also black hair, but a little shorter than Cade and bough. "I am Lilly..." I said. "I know... people call me blackout... so don't ask... just call me that," he grumbled. A short temper, just like Cade. "Alright... uhm, you'd like to have some soda?" I asked. Blackout looked at me for several moments before sitting down. I didn't like the creepy smile on his face. "Why not..." he said.

I headed into the kitchen and later returned, handing it to Blackout. Such a strange name. Why would people call him that? I doubted that would be his real name. I sat down too, crossing my legs, and stared at Blackout for several moments. He's rather strange, just like Cade. "So, what do you like to know about me?" I asked to break the silence. "Where you're from, your family, any connections with other authorities... uhm, social media and do you like plants?"

I stared at him for several moments. "Do I like plants? Yes... but they die because I am not home often and forget to give them water. No, I don't have any other connections with the FBI, CIA, Interpol, or whatever--" he cut me off. "What about N.E.S.T? The military?" he asked. "N.E.S.T? I never heard of them before... no, not with the military either."

Blackout stared at me, "what is all this? Is this a joke?" I snapped. "No, it's not a joke...  and you asked me to come on in, so don't get mad at me now!" he snapped. I gave him a really look, "what about your family?" he asked. "Why would I tell you? You just came here... we just met. I am not going to tell you anything," I muttered and rolled my eyes.

"Femme... you have no idea what you have yourself gotten into..."
I raised a brow, "what's that supposed to mean? Are you threatening me?" I asked. "No, I am not... but please take my advice, don't get attached to people. You don't know what houses behind their eyes."

I shook my head and watched him drink and look out of the window. "It's creepy to show up at someone's door and just... ask questions," I said. Blackout shrugged, "you decided to take the job here in New York, so live with the consequences," he snapped. "Excuse me? I didn't know Cade would be my partner."

"So? Can't I know with who my friend is working?" he asked. I snorted and was only able to shake my head. "Do you have his number?" I raised a brow. "I do... because he's my partner," I argued. "Ever called him?" he asked. "No, I haven't..." I muttered. "Good, use this phone instead, little saver," he said and shove it over table towards me. "What is this? Seriously!" I exclaimed. "Oh for Unicrons sake! Just take the damn phone and keep it! Don't use your own phone!" he sneered.

I flinched a little, his voice just dropped two octaves and he sounded angry to annoyed to say at least. I took the phone and clenched my teeth together. "You have a nice apartment..." he said, getting up and pointed at the living room. "Just make sure... to stay safe as far as you can, and...I don't think you will see me any time soon, but you never know," he said, walking up to the door.

I got up as well, "have a good night, Lilly," he said and slammed the door closed behind him. Opening the door, Blackout had vanished, he wasn't standing in front of the elevator like I had assumed, he was just gone. I looked around before closing the door, locking it behind me. I took a deep shaky breath and looked at the phone, a strange looking phone and weird symbol on it as well. I sighed, placing it on the counter and headed towards the bathroom to take a shower and clear my mind.

The next morning, I marched into the office and spotted Cade, already sitting behind his computer. "You are such a jackass!" He didn't look up from whatever he was doing. "Good morning to you too," he said sarcastically. "Why did you sent your friend towards me! He started to ask me all kind of questions... why!"

This time he looked up, "I didn't ask him to visit you. It was his own initiative, okay?" he snapped. "No! It's not okay! He told me to call you with this phone, why?" I snapped, showing the phone blackout handed me the other day. "Guess that's the only good thing he did..." I heard him scowl under his breath. "What? Cade!" He grunted and met my eyes. "Why! Why did he give me this phone?" I repeated. "Because... it's safer," he replied.

"I have enough of your jokes already!" I sneered and sat down behind my desk. I caught Cade staring at me, "what? Why are you mad?" he asked. "Because first you break into my apartment, second this so called 'friend' of yours shows up, hands me this phone and starts to ask me weird questions if I have connections with the FBI, CIA, Interpol or... N.E.S.T... I don't even know what that is!" I exclaimed. Cade clenched his teeth together, "listen up, human! I didn't ask for Blackout to visit you, okay! I only told him about you because I saw him the other day and he asked me how I was doing! Just forget about the questions, about your conversation... just what happened in general and go on with your life, okay? Are you able to do that?" He snapped.

"Yeah, whatever..." I muttered and got up. "Oh and Lilly?" I reached the door but looked over my shoulder. "Use that phone he gave you, okay?" he asked. I snorted, "yeah, whatever..." I scowled and marched over to the elevator.

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