Talking Motorcycles and Passing Out (yet again)

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It was certainly bizarre, waking up. There was a lot of noise around me, and someone holding my limp body up,  trying to pull me along the ground with difficulty. That much I could tell. I didn't understand why. I didn't even want to wake up. I was quite happy being asleep here. I felt particularly content when the person stopped dragging me. Now I could go back to sleep..

A hand hitting my cheek, however, made those thoughts literally fly right out of my head.

I reacted purely on instinct, my heart going into overdrive. Panic instantly set in as my body automatically started pushing away from whoever it was, the pain, the intrusion-

"-ika! Mika! Wake up!"

The voice wasn't one I immediately recognized, but it wasn't Ryan's.

Who was it?


My sight was blurry as I managed to crack my eyes open. I didn't even know my eyes were closed until now-

"Wake up!! We gotta go!"

Brown hair, light up be by artificial light, dark sky behind them. I didn't understand. Nighttime? Male voice?

Arms struggled to pull me to my feet, my prior struggling now feeble at best in my confusion. The scent that hit me from the male was eerily familiar...

Brown hair?


How was he here? Where was here, exactly? What happened?

"Come on, it's not safe here." His tone was panicked, repeatedly looking behind his shoulder worriedly. The sounds of metal clashing against metal and something else I couldn't quite describe made it even more difficult to focus. My head tried to follow my eyes to see what was going on. All I saw was a blur of color, glowing reds and blues flying through the air.

What was going on? Am I lucid dreaming or something?

Jack finally stopped, our sight now blocked by a tunnel of some sort. It smelled horrible here. My head seemed to clear a little at the horrible intrusion. He set me down gently, telling me to stay put before heading back toward the edge of the tunnel.

I must have passed out in the middle of something happening in this dream. Maybe it was a continuation of a dream? But what happened before? I tried to search my brain.

"Mika!" Jack's hands roughly shook me, effectively taking me out of my dazed stupor. My body reacted instantly, hands shoving him away in a panic.

"Get away from me-!"

Jack's hands instantly left, throwing his hands up in defense, eyes wide. "Hey, it's okay!"

My breath was coming in hard as I frantically looked around us, trying to understand what was going on. My body shook as I looked back at him, the sounds of metal crashing against metal distorted against the tunnel-

It's too much, too much noise, too many things going on at once-

The pain in my arms brought me back a little, scaring me back into focus. Panicked, I looked down, only to see red crescent shaped indents in my arms, a couple of them with drops of blood beading to the surface, caused by my own nails.

My hands shook.

"Calm-calm down, calm down-" My breathing was ragged as I mumbled the words to myself.

"Hey, just breathe, okay? We're gonna be okay..."

It was getting hard to focus on his words-


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