Done With The Misery

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Inspired by Giving Up by The Used

I trembled in Optimus's driver's seat. My hands clutched tightly to my arms as he drove silently, seatbelt wrapped tightly and securely around me. My body continued to flair in pain, especially after my rather brutal tumble out of Ryan's car, but it was easier to ignore now that I was in his cab. I was surrounded by a sentient several ton semi who was barreling down the freeway; I was more protected in that one moment than I'd ever been in the rest of my life with Ryan.

The Prime eventually briefly explained that his "human" form was called a holoform, but only once I was safely within the confines of his cab. It was more like a hologram, but with more tangible form and feeling, and limited radius.

He made no mention to me once that he'd updated it immediately once I'd gone missing. He was internally grateful he'd immediately done so once he'd returned to base, but made no comment about the matter.

We left Ryan and his car far behind, though Optimus's holoform had pulled Ryan's physical body out of the middle of the road before we left. I assumed he didn't want to leave my adoptive dad in the middle of the road to get hit, considering he'd gotten punched in the stomach so hard his sternum broke.

Ryan didn't deserve that kind of kindness.

"I apologize if I caused you fear earlier."

The Prime's deep baritone suddenly coming from the speakers made me jump in the driver's seat. The Autobot symbol in the middle of his steering wheel lit up every time he spoke, something that had helped the sudden panic slightly. I stared at the steering wheel for a second before my body slowly began to relax. I was still trembling, but I forced myself to focus on my breathing.

I had to calm my heart rate. Not only that, but the constant high-stress tension in my body only aggravated the pain I felt.

"...It wasn't you I was the most afraid of."

It was silent for a couple moments, save for the sound of the freeway under Optimus's tires. Eventually, a displeased hum left him. My heart rate spiked at the sound, my anxiety rising. Was he upset with what I said?

His voice was slightly softer than before when he spoke again, but no less deep. "That man... who is he to you?"

My fingers nervously began pulling at the sleeves of my borrowed jacket, body trembling again at the thought of him. I can't... It's dangerous if anyone knows and he finds out-

The vivid memory of Optimus's holoform sending my adoptive father to the ground sprang to my mind. My fingers dug into the cloth of my clothing, trying to remind myself of the reality I was in. I was safe, and he could protect me. He already had... and I found a part of me wanting to trust, to confide in him.

He hadn't proven me wrong, yet, at least.

"...Ryan..." My voice was incredibly tiny, and I stared out of the side window for a moment, steadying my breaths. My fingers tugged at my sleeves restlessly in my agitation. My legs started to shake in my anxiety, but the sudden pain arching through my legs and up my spine instantly made me stop. My face briefly contorted in pain as I tried to relax my body, trying to not aggravate whatever injuries I already had. "Ryan is... my adoptive dad. Not my real father. He, um... he got me and my older brother years ago from an adoption agency."

Optimus was silent again for a moment in contemplation. Once he spoke again, his tone was surprisingly gentle, and even I could tell there was an underlying note of concern. "...I believe it is best that you stay under our care and protection, away from him from now on. I do not wish any more harm to come to you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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