12. The truth to who Y/n is.

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Sorry for not posting in a while I have mental health problems at the moment. I hope you are enjoying the story.

Y/ns point of view.

I was dragged from the kitchen by Lexi. We spent the next 10 minutes cleaning all the flour and chocolate of her hands and face. I grabbed her a spare pair of cloths from the cuboard in the hallway before going to my room. After she was changed she looked very tired and in need of a nap, so I picked her up and carried her to the bed and tucked her in she fell asleep instantly.

I went to my bathroom and sat down on the worktop. I fell deep in to my thoughts.

Ever since the whole crazy ex, I have struggled with relationships of any kind I distanced myself from friends to stop myself from being hert and any reminders of what happened. But Nat was different I felt alive and free not having to worry that i am going to loss myself or loss her due to my actions, she has been so supportive but given me the space I need.

She cannot tell when I am overworked or need a break. She does these small gestures that seem like nothing but shows me that she cares she doesn't even realise she was doing it. She is sweet but shy especially when expressing herself and what she wants, but I think it is so sweet and innocent.
I haven't been able to stop thinking about her, no matter what I tried.

I have these feelings I have never felt for anyone before, I know I was with my ex for 3 years but that was forced and emotionless I did try but he just ... no I am not going to think about him the point is she makes me feel like the only person in the world. I swear if I had not have remember that Lexi was there I would have gone further than I did and I dont think she would have complained especially with the noises she was making when I touched her skin.

She is so sweet with Lexi, I was honestly worried that Lexi would mess around and be a handful but god she is still the sweetest thing, I am glad that I have had such a large part in her life.

I made my way back into the kitchen and stood against the door frame watching her clean up she was humming one of my songs but I dont think she knows it is mine. It took her a few minutes to realise that I was there.
"You sound amazing love as always, Lexi is down for a nap so what you want to do?" I asked as I walked over and hugged her from behind with my arms wrapped around her stomach. She leaned back into my touch.
The alarm on the oven when off so I turned off the oven and placed the cookies on the side to cool.
"Can we just sit and chill for a bit please I am tired." That sounded nice, I gave her a nod before picking her up coursing her to squeal in suprise. "What are you doing put me down."she said giggling as I walked over to the sofa.

"Sure I will put you down." I said as an idea popped in to my minds. I gently threw her on to the corner seat of the sofa which is big enough for both me and Bella to lay down normal. She looked at me shocked. "What you said put you down, so I did, are you not sat on the sofa?" I asked with a smirk. Coursing her to roll her eyes.

"Next time I will emphasise the PUT me down so you dont get confused with throw me." She said as she chucked a pillow at me.
I sat down next to her, she automatically moved her legs so they where going over my lap. We sat the for about 10 minutes and I was rubbing her legs.
In that time I had taken some photos of her without her really knowing.

"How in the world do you have nearly 10 million followers on social media?" She said suprised

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"How in the world do you have nearly 10 million followers on social media?" She said suprised. "I dont even have 2 thousand. How, what, huh."

"You know I said I am taking photography as a club that's because I am a developing artist. I am a small time actress as well, a Olympian, and a fairly well know musician. As well as the only living member left of the famous Avery family blood line."
I said without thinking as I looked at her. She sat there with a shocked look on her face without saying anything her mouth hang open a little. I used my index finger to close her mouth before tucking a piece of loss hair behind her ear.

Okay maybe it was not the best idea to tell her that. Oh god I broke her she is just frozen. I should not have told her my social media and she wouldn't have figured it out, god she probably thinks I am doing this to get my name out there more. And ofcourse I had to mention the family blood line, god damn it Y/n.

Y/ns journey through her new life.Where stories live. Discover now