13. Dinner and secrets.

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Pretend there are two girls.

Y/ns point of view

For the next few minutes felt like they dragged out for hours. Natasha sat still not saying a thing just looking between me and the floor.
"Please believe me when I tell you I am not doing this for any publicity stunt or to get my name in the news. I have had my team monitoring the internet for anything that has to do with us hanging out so you would not be hassled by the public because of me. I wanted to actually get to know and meet someone who like me for me instead of me for my financial stability. In the uk everywhere I went everyone new who I was, my photo everywhere, I couldn't have a normal life. I am sorry if I broke your trust for not telling you sooner, I was only trying to do the right thing. Please say something?" I said rambling on because of my nerves.I looked up at nat when she let out a giggle.

"Good you are more amazing than I thought, ofcourse I know you would not use me like that you are not like anyone I have ever met you are so caring and kind its makes you perfect." She said placing her hands on my neck, bring me into a soft gentle kiss. When she pulls away she curls up on my lap with her head on my chest, I subconsciously play with her hair.

2 hours later

I am still sat in the living room with a sleeping Nat clinging on to me. I kiss her head before my phone rings.

I say softly, trying not to wake up Nat.

Hey sweetheart is everything okay, you are talking quietly?

Oh no I am okay Natasha fell asleep on me so I am trying not to wake her up. How is everything going and what can I do for you, Maisie.

We are going to be a little bit later than we thought, I just wanted to let you know. Is it okay if Lexi stays over at your we will be back like 2-3 in the morning.

Yea ofcourse Lexi is fine she is currently napping in the my room, I already got stuff in case she has to sleep over anyway. When you get here just knock on the door as the bell is not working and I will let you in.

Thank you darling I dont know what I would do with out you, I have to go see you later.


I hung up the phone and try to move Natasha off of me but she was not having it she hang on me like a Koala wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I stood up and placed my arms underneath her as support. I make my way into the kitchen to start making dinner.

I decided on making bbq chicken with a small salad and baby potatos, with sticky toffee pudding with custud for desert.

About 30 minutes later I carefully make my way into my room to see Lexi sitting up rubbing her eyes. "Hey princess dinner is in 20 minutes I was just about to wake you up." I said quitely to not desterb the sleeping Nat that is still attached to me.

"Oh okay I will be down in a few minutes." I gave her a slight nod before walking out of the room.

"Baby you need to wake up for me." I said kissing her neck.

I felt her wake so I begain to tickle her stomack the next thing I know she is in a fit of giggles wiggling aroung in my arms trying to make me stop tickling her. "Pleeaassee stoopp." she said looking up at me with a sleepy look in her eyes.

I leant down and placed a gently kiss on the end of her nose making her scrunch it up. "How long have I been asleep, I am not complaining about being carryed you are very comfy." she said barring her head in my neck.

"About two hour and a half, you wouldnt let me put you down so I have been carring you aroung the kitchen for the last half hour. Dinner is in about 10 minutes by the way I wanted to give you enough time to wake up before hand." I said before lowering her on to a stoll at the kitchen island. as I pulled away she let out a small whimp at the loss of physical connection. which I have to say I am not 100% shocked at she seems to be very clingy and in need of contact frequently, I am not saying its a bad thing it just feels like we have known each other for years when we only meet 3 days ago.

"I am really sorry, I dont mean to be a nuisance you should have woken me up." Nat said guiltyly looking down and fiddling with her ring.
"Hey dont applogise for wanting any physical contact, you know I am more than okay with it. If I had a problem I wouldnt have let you fall asleep on me in the first place." I said moving a peace of lose hair behind her ear. I think it would be a good idea for me to talk to her later after Lexi has gone to bed, I am trying to understand why she is so shy and afraid to ask for affection and then apologectic when she feels like she is being neady and taking up my time. Maybe she had had a bad experence in the past but I dont want to force her into a uncomftable situation where she feels oblegated to tell me so I need to be gentle with the situation.

I made my way back to the food to finish of the final touches, as I began to dish up Lexi comes skipping into the kitchen and sat down next to Natasha. she sense that Nat is sad and pulld her in to a hug suddenly causing her to slightly jump, I dont think she liked the sudden movement. I dished up the dinner placing a plate in front of both Nat and Lexi. I layed mine to the left of Nat so I was sitting nect to her. I grabbed the cutlerly and got Lexi a squash and me and Nat a lemonade.

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