𝟻-𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚌

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My second update of the day so please make sure you read ch.4 first ❤️

3.2k words

(Tw: There will be talk of blood, and suicide.)

(y/n)'s POV
I placed my ruby red blouse over my head with a deep sigh, and pulled it down so it covered my stomach, "I can't believe you're going back to that place after what happened yesterday." Jackson judged me from the bed as I eyed myself in the mirror; deciding to pull my hair up into a bun.

"It's still my job Jackson, I knew the risks when I got into this profession." I placed my hair up neatly, and tightened the hair tie around it securely to keep the bun from falling apart.

He groaned as he dropped his head down onto the pillow, "At least stay home with me today, I'm sure they'll understand if you tell them you need a day to cope."

He's right, Doctor Kenobi already offered to give me a few days off after he sent me home early yesterday, but the way I see it is; I'm not any safer in this house than I am there. I have a bruise on my eye that's currently covered with makeup to prove it.

I also have dark purple marks on my neck from Mace, no amount of makeup was able to hide that. I look like a damn mess if I'm being honest.

I shook my head with a sigh, "No, I was asked to still come in today in exchange for going home early yesterday," I lied so he wouldn't press the subject further, "I'll be fine Jackson I promise." I walked over to his bedside, and gave him a kiss goodbye.

I went to back away from the gesture, but he quickly grabbed me and pulled me down onto the bed next to him with a smile, "Please be careful today then," He cupped my cheek and rubbed his thumb along the bruise he had given me with a sympathetic gaze, "And I'm sorry about this baby; I do love you, and I promise things will get better."

I nodded with a forced smile; I've already heard that one before.


"Doing alright today Doctor (y/l/n)?" The guard at the door greeted me with a soft smile.

"Yes I'm doing much better today, thank you," I nodded confidently to show that I was doing fine, even though a part of me was afraid to walk in these doors. But that's completely normal, I went through a traumatic experience; anyone would feel as I feel now, even people who have been doing this for years.

But the best way to get over a traumatic event is to not shy away from it, and to face it head on with a strong attitude. It's best to accept what happened, remain calm, focus on controlling your breathing if anxiety rises, and talk about it when need be. Which I already plan to do with Kenobi at the end of the day. But it's also important not to push yourself, so only go forward with with these steps if you feel ready to; otherwise you could end up worsening your trauma, and become more susceptible to depression and anxiety attacks.

I pressed my key card against the electronic lock and the door buzzed with a click. I pushed the door open and paused when I noticed Doctor Kenobi standing in the lobby, talking to two police officers.

When they heard me enter the room, they all turned their heads towards me, "(y/n)?" My boss looked surprised to see me, "I didn't think you were coming in today. You really didn't have to, I understand if you need some time."

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