Chapter 1

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Star Flower crept through the thick layered bracken, her belly fur brushing the dirt floor, "Star Flower!"

Thunder trotted up to her, "hey Thunder."

"I didn't see you when I woke up to get a drink, where were you?" The orange tom asked,

"I was just taking a walk until I decided to sleep into the forest my dear." Star Flower mewled, her tail dragging through the dirt and picking up

leaves in it, Thunder's eyes focused on Star Flower's slender build and sharp claws, "uh, uh, umm, how was your walk?" Thunder asked,

he was smiling like he was dreaming, "it was good."

Gray Wing padded up to Thunder, "its time for the patrol, you should be joining."

Thunder looked back at his adopted father, "okay, see ya later Star Flower!" Thunder called from the back of his shoulder.

"bye my friend, and good luck!"

Star Flower kept her wonderful clear gaze for a while longer, then glared, ugh, that Thunder, always crushing on me, but...I must stay

kind to him for the plan to work, just until One Eye sends the signal. The she-cat thought inside her mind.

"Star Flower, what are you standing around here for? Come on a patrol with me, we'll catch some prey together." Star Flower heard a

bold voice behind her, she looked back to see the Leader of the group, Wind Runner, "yes, of course! Beats getting my coat

stained with dirt, I will come!" Star Flower meowed, she tried to act friendly and truthful, but on the inside, she only

followed what One Eye said, "good!"

Wind Runner trotted away, expecting Star Flower to follow,

I do not want to follow that lump of tabby fur! She's not a rightful leader, it'll be great when One Eye takes over this dump.

Star Flower thought, trying to keep her bright look, Wind Runner looked back at the new member, "are you coming or just

stare at the dirt like a weak Kittypet?"

Star Flower blinked, "of course I'm not one of those trespassers, they harm us, and yes, I'm coming."

Wind Runner trotted off, Star Flower followed with furrowed eyebrows,

"The morning has been nice so far, hasn't it Wind Runner?" Star Flower asked, trying not to sound awkward.

"yes it has, and I'm eager to see how many prey we get in our pile once the patrols come back."

Star Flower nodded slowly, "very interesting." 

Wind Runner skidded up the halt where the far end of the forest was, Star Flower followed smugly, a sneer on her face.

But just then, the brown she-cat paused, "I see a mouse." She whispered,

Star Flower stopped and sat down, "do what you have to do."

"Aren't you going to help me?" Wind Runner whispered, "I can't hunt even if I tried." Star Flower answered, sounding bored,

"Okay, just...make sure its not gonna escape, then go for the kill by aiming at the throat with your teeth or claws." Wind Runner mumured behind

her shoulder, Star Flower nodded, and settled herself on the solid soil, and curled her soft golden tail around her front paws.

Wind Runner pounced on the mouse and attempted to bite it's neck, but the fluffy creature skidded off in shock,

"Star Flower! Catch it now!" Wind Runner hissed, darting toward the stunned mouse, Star Flower stayed where she was,

not even bothering to catch and kill the mouse, but she stood up and bolted up to Wind Runner, "hmm, it seems uncatchable, we should

stop and find other prey in the forest." Star Flower panted, her heart was pounding, "b-but, we've gotta have prey for leaf-bare and you know

that Star Flower!" Wind Runner argued, eyebrows furrowed, Wind Runner pinned the mouse down, keeping grip of it's tiny body and bit

down at the back of it's neck, "that was your first lesson, always keep your eyes on the prey." Wind Runner sat down and licked her front paw,

"lets head back, I'm excited to see what Thunder will think of what we've received from Starclan." Star Flower mumbled, trying to keep her

bright and bubbly look in her clear green eyes, I don't believe in Starclan! Why would dead cats who have already been killed once live again?

Ugh, group cats are dumb. Star Flower thought, keeping her anger inside, "you coming Star Flower?" Wind Runner asked through a mouthful

of fluffy gray fur that was stained with blood, "of course, why wouldn't I not want to follow my prideful leader." Star Flower meowed,

Wind Runner made her pelt go flat, showing her lean, hard muscles in pride, "thanks Star."

"no problem Wind Runner."

Star Flower followed the short haired she-cat through the solid dirt floor, when they arrived at the group, Thunder and many more cats

were back from their patrols, but Thunder kept his gaze on Star Flower, "Star Flow-!"

Thunder's voice was cut off when he was grabbed by the shoulder, "uh, Thunder, may we talk for a sec?"

A black tom was behind Thunder, looking at him with ominous green eyes, "sure Lighting Tail, what for?" Thunder asked,

"I'll tell you when we're alone." Lightning Tail was in a hurry, keeping his gaze on Star Flower, "do you approve Star Flower?" Thunder asked,

"go ahead, follow Lightning Tail." Star Flower mewed, oh One Eye, when will you send the signal, he promised it wouldn't be long, ugh, I'm so

tired of playing this role! But I must stay calm, he said it wouldn't be long...

Star Flower's regret (a warrior cats fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now