Chapter 1

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Have you ever had the feeling that you should give up, that you've done your best but you still failed. That is my current feeling. I have been traveling for 3 days without sleeping, eating or drinking. It seems to slip my mind when my wolf keeps putting images into our mind of what my mate may be like. Right now she was fantasising about a broad shouldered brunette with chocolate brown eyes and muscles that could protect us from all dangers.

She soon gave up on that fantasy and thrust a new image into my head. This actually sparked my interest. I swear I've seen someone like this before. He was tall, tanned skin and a tonnes chest. He had black hair that fell gently over one eye and curved around the other. His eyes were grey and he was wearing black dress pants and a white dress shirt. His hands were at his neck as he fastened his tie in place as if he was going to a meeting, or maybe he was taking it off to enjoy a night at home.

"Cindy," I scolded my wolf. "Why are you fantasising about my sisters boyfriend?" I asked her.

"Is that where I got it from? I thought I made him up," her voice was innocent but my other four wolves, Flora, my earth wolf. Misty, my water wolf. Spark, my fire wolf and Breeze, my wind wolf. They all had a go at Cindy because apparently she knew she was fantasising about Louis, my sisters boyfriend.

I rolled my eyes at the five wolves before sighing, it was physical pain for a 13 year old werewolf to have five wolves inside my body, all I knew is that with five wolves, if someone bites me in multiple places in attempt to mark me, they can protect me more then just one. It's mostly because, every she-wolf had a spot on her shoulders or neck where her mate instantly knows to mark her. If someone else tries, they have to find it, but generally if they haven't been rejected or their mate marked someone else or in worst case, died, so their mate is out there and looking for them, the wolf goes straight to where the marking point is and protects it.

The men have theirs in the same spot as the female. Now before you get confused, your probably wondering, 'how do they find it?' They find it by repeatedly biting the female, it causes her pain but they do it until they find where she is supposed to be marked. My mother told me this when I was 6, but my typical answer was, "Well at least they know its on her neck or throat. I don't want my mate mark to be on my foot!" My mother gave me weird looks for the rest of the week but gave up later on.

A twig snapping brought me out of my thoughts. My wolf was in bad shape, my black fur was shaggy, untidy and even falling out in some places for malnourishment and lack of sleep. My earth wolf kept begging me to shift into her so she could help me but I refused. Flora didn't bother to fight Cindy for control as Cindy was stronger as long as I was in her form or human. I also found something out yesterday I think. I was thrown in jail for trespassing whilst in my earth form, the guard just expected that I had clunks of earth in my fur, even though I had no fur, just lumps of earth. When he locked me up Flora told me to walk through the metal bars. I did as she told me and the guard looked bewildered as the earth turned into metal.

I researched it in a book at a deserted library I found. Metal comes from an ore in earth so counts as earth. If I walk through any type of ore, being metal or diamond or earth my wolf will take the form of whatever I just walked through, the same texture and everything. My other wolves informed me at that time, in hopes to not be outdone, that they come with special abilities two. Misty told me she can turn into ice if I go through it, moving ice. Breeze can become a cloud if I go through it. And Spark, she just told me in a chilled voice, "anything fire changes me." It bugged the life out of me.

A growl echoed behind me, distracting me yet again from my thoughts. I turned around and looked at the huge wolf, he looked surprised to see a black wolf face with dead eyes and patched of fur missing on various areas. It was then I realised I had crumbled to the ground. You'd probably think that 3 days of no eating wouldn't hurt anyone. But what about 3 days of no sleep, eating, drinking under the boiling stop with no stops other then to get a book to read for a few minutes. I didn't stop after I got the book, I read as I walked. Therefore, it will do damage to you.

He shifted back and crouched down for my benefit. "What's your name girl?" He asked with a sympathetic. I whimpered then pointed in the other direction, I hoped that my gesture told him I was on a journey. "No, you may not continue I that shape, you look exhausted," he softened his voice as he stated the obvious. I shifted back, covering my childlike body with the t-shirt I carried from my sisters boyfriend just in case an Alpha like him decided to stop me. It smelt like my sister since she had been sleeping in it for a while, she gave it to me before camp so I wouldn't forget her.

"Amez," I whispered before I stood up and backed away, he followed me, standing a foot and a half above me.

"How long you been traveling?" His voice became hard as we went further,

"4 months total, 3 days since I last slept, ate, drunk or had a break," I informed him. He took a sharp intake of breath.

"4 months?" He shook his head in disapproval, Spark instantly shot a sharp sentence at him that I kept to us.

"What? It's not like you can stop us! I'm made of fire! Fire doesn't stop burning!" Spark snapped angrily.

"Till I come along ..." Misty sung, forcing Spark to shoot her a glare.

"A child of you age shouldn't be traveling like that, it's in proper. Where are your parents, I'm sending you back," the alpha told me sternly.

Panic rushed through my body as I realised that if I went back, I would have to start towards my mate once again. "No!" I yelped quickly, his eyes slashed with confusion before he grinned mischievously.

"Why not?" He asked slowly.

"I don't like them anymore," I lied.

"Are you sure?" He pressed.


"I see?"


"What's your power?" He asked suddenly. I felt taken aback, I didn't like it so I narrowed my eyes, his smooth voice seemed so casual.

"This isn't a child's book, people don't randomly have powers, Im not part of the avengers!" I snapped at him. "Though it would be a dream come true," I whispered under my breath.

"You must know where your going or you wouldn't be in the middle of no where."

My right eye twitched in anger as I stared at him. "Oh right, my power is WHACKING YOU OVER THE HEAD WITH A SURF BOARD!" I screamed. He looked impressed.

Before he laughed. "Oh missy, we don't surf here, your about 200 miles away from the ocean," he told me. With to information Misty she began to shake in unease before she had a full on panic attack. My other wolves attempted to sooth her but it became obvious Misty needed water.

My eyes flickered to the alpha before I shrugged. "Well then, I must continue to search for my mate," I told him before walking away, removing my shifted and shifting before anyone could see anything but a spiny back.

I looked at his horror some features before I ran quickly towards safety where I could shift into Breeze for faster and unseen travel. Sucks though because I'm not used to flying so I can't stay in her form for long, only about 50 miles before my shifting goes whack and I turn into all my wolves before crashing as Cindy.

I quickly hid under a bush as I shifted to Breeze and fled the safety of the green undergrowth in a quick whirlwind of speed, towards what seemed to me as the Northern Hemisphere, a long way to go from Australia.

Shaking my head, I enjoyed the freeness of the cool air blowing through out my invisible body that seemed to have an unseen glass protection with wind trapped inside, fighting to escape but just like the wind, you can't see it.

I sped in Cindy's chosen directions before I came close to the edge of Western Australia. I slipped down on the ground and dipped my muzzle in the water, drinking greedily at the cool liquid that burnt down my dry throat. Misty bounced around, yapping to be back with water again. Se pushed her form on me so I slipped into the water, my huge horse sized figure becoming water before I disappeared beneath the surface, ignoring Sparks unease at the environment, my wolves rarely got alone though. Misty and Breeze are best friends as well as Flora and Spark, mostly because their elements work together. Cindy was the only reason why the two teams didn't kill each other.

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