Hatred for each other

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The sound of my blaring alarm wakes me up. I roll over in my bed with a sigh in order to turn it off and get out of bed to make it to the shower. I quickly check my text messages to see if anyone wanted to set up a last minute meeting. Lucky for me, no one did. I then move on to my social media, going to Instagram first and seeing that I got tagged in some more photos of Ariana. It's been two years since we broke up and to this day, I still get tagged in fan edits, photos, paparazzi pictures, fan accounts, anything really. I have nothing against it, I just wish the fans would respect our decision to break up.

I can't blame them though, Ariana and I just broke up without really telling the fans anything. Not that we owed it to them anything. In fact, I was fine with writing a statement, but Ariana said it would be best if we didn't feed into anything. I'm assuming the fans just think that we grew apart or something.

Ariana and I haven't spoken since the break up, but that didn't stop me from checking in on her from afar. I know right after the break up, she went on a hiatus. Didn't release any music, did a small role in a Netflix movie, featured on a few other artists songs and got a role in a movie musical, but other than that, nothing has been going on with her. Career wise at least. The fans message me everyday asking when she will release her seventh album. I had no idea. A few months after the break up, Ariana met a real estate agent. At least from what I've heard. A successful one at that. I think his name is Dalton or something. I've seen the pictures, the videos, him supporting her, the engagement announcement. I'm happy for her. She deserves to be happy and Dalton seems to do that for her.

In the end, we didn't have any hatred for each other. Once we talked, we ended on a good note and even decided to remain friends. Unfortunately neither of us took that seriously, so we haven't talked since. I am happy for her though and I do support her no matter what.

Once I was done checking everything and reading some comments, I turned my phone off and rolled out of bed to head to the shower. I got my clothes ready before grabbing a towel from the closet and sticking it in the towel warmer in the bathroom before setting my water. Once the water was to the exact temperature I liked, I got in and did my usual routine.


"Hey Samantha" I smile walking into the building

"Y/n" she nodded with a smile

"How was your weekend?" I asked

"Good and yours?" She replied

"Good, thanks for asking" I sent one last final smile before going to the stairs and making my way to my office

Once I get settled and turn all of the lights on, I close my door and sign into my computer, immediately going to check emails. I was soon interrupted when there was a knock on my door though

"Come in" I called

"You left and I didn't even get to tell you your schedule for the day" Samantha said coming in

"Right, sorry" I apologized

"Is everything okay?" She asked me

"Yea, I just didn't sleep well" I said

"How come?" She asked

"I was into a really good book" I replied

"What is it called?" She asked me

"I actually don't know off the top of my head, but I'll send you a picture later" I replied

"I'll be waiting" she said

I nodded

"So what's on my schedule?" I asked

"Oh uh..." she flipped through her book

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