Date night

312 29 9

Ariana's POV

The soft rays of the morning sun peeking through the curtains and casting a warm glow across my  skin caused me to stir awake. Stretching lazily, I turned to my side to find Dalton still sleeping peacefully. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of my fiancée sleeping next to me, his mouth slightly agape as light snore left his mouth brought a sense of calmness to me.

Careful not to disturb him, I began to slip out of bed and tiptoed to the kitchen to start the day. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as I hummed a melody that I would have to remember later. As the coffee was finishing up, I heard the stairs creek, causing me to look in that direction to see Dalton walking down the stairs with messy hair and rubbing the tired out of his eyes. A smile appeared across his face when our eyes met and he began to walk closer to me

"Good morning, baby" he came up behind me, kissed my neck, and wrapped his arms around me

"Good morning" I smiled

"I have the day off" he told me while turning me around

I looked up at him with a smile. It was rare when we both were free from work, so after hearing him say that, the only right thing to do is to take advantage of the opportunity

"I was thinking since we hardly see each other and I pulled that idiotic stunt the other night, I could take you on a date tonight?" He asked sounding hopeful

A big smile spread across my face

"I would really like that" I said

"Perfect" he smiled back

I placed a gentle kiss on his lips before pulling away

"How about I make something and you can go ahead and start getting ready?" He suggested

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yea, you always take the longest to get ready anyways" he said

I laughed with a nod before placing one last kiss on his lips and disappearing upstairs to go take a shower. I got all of my clothes ready and set the water to the perfect temperature before getting in and doing my usual routine.

By the time I got out of the shower, Dalton was done cooking breakfast and I met him downstairs to join him at the table. We sat side by side while eating pancakes and having a light conversation

"Today, just leave everything up to me okay?" He asked

"Okay" I nodded

"Seriously. You say okay, but then you try and plan things. I want to make it up to you for staying out late and not telling you. I really am sorry about that" he apologized again

"Dalton, I said it was fine" I told him

"But it wasn't. I'm going to be your husband and you have a right to know where I am, especially that late at night. So today I am going to make it up to you and I don't want to hear anything about it" he said

All I could do was nod


Dalton and I have spent the whole day together just mainly at home so that way we wouldn't have to deal with any pictures being taken of us. He did on the other hand suggest that we should go out to dinner to a nice restaurant as a little date night, which is exactly what we're doing.

I smoothed down the fabric of my dress, a delicate ensemble of lace and silk while my heart felt like it skipped a beat. I heard the gentle knock on the closed bathroom door

"Ready?" Dalton asked from the other side

I opened the door to see him in a suit which caused me to smile. When he saw me, his mouth fell open slightly

"Ready" I confirmed

"You look so good" he pulled me closer to him by my waist

"Thank you" I kissed him

"Let's go, baby" he smiled at me

I nodded and followed after him down the stairs and out the door. He walked to the drivers side, while I got in on the passengers side. He started the car and we held hands while he started driving. It wasn't long before we arrived at the restaurant and began to walk in.

The restaurant he chose was quaint and intimate, with dim lighting and the soft strains of jazz music floating in the air. We settled into our seats, our fingers intertwined as we perused the menu. Dalton was always so considerate, making sure to choose a place that catered to my vegan preferences and was slow enough that little to no people would come and ask for pictures when were trying to enjoy the evening

Conversation flowed effortlessly between us, most likely because we haven't talked a whole lot with him working and me getting back into the swing of things. We laughed, we shared stories, and with each passing moment, I felt myself forgetting about some of the things he does, like staying out late. The soft glow of candlelight casted a warm, romantic ambiance over the quaint little restaurant. I sat across from Dalton and would steal glances at him while he looked over the menu. He eventually caught me and looked up with a smile

"This place is beautiful" I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

He nodded, his gaze never leaving mine

"Just like you" he replied

Kind of cringe, but I blushed regardless

It wasn't long before the waiter took our orders and we engaged in another conversation about work, the dogs, the wedding, and the bachelor and bachelorette party

I'm so excited for my party. Are you excited for yours?" He asked

"I am" I nodded

"Just don't get black out drunk, baby" he told me

"And no strippers" I told him in a stern voice

"For my party?" He asked

"For anyone's" I said

He frowned slightly which caused an ache to form in my heart

"Why, if you really think about it, it'll be the last night of being unmarried. I wouldn't mind if you had strippers at yours" he explained

"Dalton, no" I said

"Okay" he said with a hint of disappointment

I took a deep breath, trying not to show that his comment hurt me a little bit. As the waiter brought out our food, I couldn't help but marvel at the exquisite presentation. Dalton must have noticed the look of delight on my face because he grinned and reached for my hand across the table.

"Bon appétit, my love" he said, his voice filled with warmth and affection

I smiled gently, still not able to shake his comment out of my head. We shared bites of our meals, laughing and joking as I tried to just have a good night and forget about what he said. He reached across the table once more and gave my hand a gentle squeeze

"I love you. I'm sorry I haven't been showing it lately. I will be better, Ariana. I really do love you and can't wait to marry you" he told me in a sincere tone

"I love you too" I smiled gently

He smiled back before continuing to eat


King of fumbling queens

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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