I care more than you think-Natasha Romanoff

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Since you've become an Avenger, Natasha has been nothing but rude to you. She never gives you a Hello or a smile. She only talked to you during training or missions. But the more she was rude to you, the more you fell in love with her. You knew that this was not a good idea, but you couldn't help it. She's drop-dead gorgeous! The way she moves she fight or actually everything she does make her look like a goddess. So here you were... being an absolute fool because you fell in love with the girl that will never love you back.

She was always on your back and it was starting to get on your nerves. After every fucking mission she had to say something that you had done wrong. Actually, even before the missions. And today was no exception. Steve, Natasha, Bucky and yourself were on the jet on your way to the place you had to go. Some old hydra base needed to be verified. You would be there in minutes when all of you were getting ready to attack. Out of nowhere, she said. "Watch yourself out there Y/L/N, wouldn't want to make up for your mistake. Again! And try to not die." You heard the sarcastic tone in her voice and this time you explode. "It's not like you fucking care anyway! So leave me alone!" You turn your back to her and walk out of the jet. "I care more than you think..." She mumbles under her breath but you heard her clearly. Those words confused you so much that it was the only thing you were able to think about.

This mission was supposed to go smoothly, it was supposed to be inactive. So to say that all of you were shocked when you were attacked out of nowhere was an understatement. You were all prepared for this, but it all happened so fast that you didn't have time to respond to their attack that you had to hurry back to the jet. At the moment you didn't feel that you had been shot. You ran beside the others as fast as you could and Steve got in the pilot seat to fly away to the compound. Steve and Bucky were fine, obviously, Nat had a scratch or two but you? You thought you were too only to find out seconds later that you were losing a lot of blood. Nat was the first to notice. "Y/N? Are you ok?" You let out a laugh and said. "Of course! Why would I-" You let out a groan when a sudden pain course threw you. Nat rushed to your side and that was when she saw the pouring blood coming from your stomach. "Shit! Guys, she's been shot" As the words got out of her mouth, you felt yourself losing balance. You fell into Natasha's arms and she picked you bridal style to bring you to a near bench. She was applying pleasure to your wound and you could see the pure panic in her eyes. Though her physics didn't show anything, not even her facial expression changed. Stay awake for me Y/L/N." You were getting weaker by the minute, but you kept your eyes open for her. "N-Nat, I might not make it back" Anger rose in her and she almost screamed at you. "Don't fucking say that! You will make it back." After those words, she tore your suit apart to have a better view of your stomach. They always had a kit aid for those types of wounds in the jet. She cleans the wound and removes the bullet and you screamed in pain. "Natasha it hurts like a bitch!" She smirks and said "Don't be a pussy Y/N" She stitches you up the best she could with what she had and put on a bandage. It still hurt a lot but you could tell that it wasn't getting worst. The help Natasha provides you was more than enough for you to stay alive until you arrive at the compound. Natasha picked you up again to bring you to the medical bay. Before she went to get out of the room you took her by her wrist and said. "Thank you" She gave you a small smile and nod before heading out. Bruce gave you some sedatives and did the same process Natasha did but only better with the tools he had. Minutes went by and he was done and told you you were out of danger. He left you alone to relax. With the medication he gave you, you were out in seconds.

You gently woke up after a couple of hours with a hand intertwine with yours. You were confused at first but when you saw a lot of red hair all around on the bed you smiled. Natasha was asleep, her head beside your leg. You gently squeeze her hand and she jolts awake. She removed her hand from yours and straighten up her posture. "Hey, how are you feeling?" "I'm good thanks to you." You could see a small blush on her cheeks as she mumbled a small "It's normal" You both stay silent for a while. "Nat?" She hummed in response for you to continue. "I heard what you said before the mission" Her eyes went wide and she went to get out of the room but you were faster and take a hold of her hand to make her sit back. "Why did you say that? Is this the truth? Why were you always so rude to me?" Natasha took a deep breath before saying what she wanted to say for so long. "It's the truth. I-I've always like you but I wanted to keep my walls up and do everything to not fall more for you. That's why I've always been rude to you. But I couldn't stay away from you so I always seem to be close to you and on your back." You chuckle and said. "Yeah, I noticed" She sends you a small smile and you swear your heart swelled with love. "Why you didn't want to fall for me?" " I'm not good with relationships in general and I didn't want to hurt you but I ended up doing it anyway and I'm so sorry-" You tried to cut her gambling by saying her name but it was no use so you cup her face and brought her in a loving kiss. She kissed you back with force and you find yourself moaning into her mouth. You both pulled back when the air was necessary and you put your forehead on hers and whispered. "I forgive you, but please don't do this again." She brought you into a hug so you had your face in her neck and she said. "Never again, I promise."

15K reads!!! Thank you so much, guys!

One shot of Natasha Romanoff/Scarlett Johansson with Y/n Where stories live. Discover now