The carriage ride up to the mansion was pleasant enough. The women spoke discursively and Merida was thankful that she didn't have to walk for at least a little bit. Her legs were throbbing from exhaustion and pain, made even worse by the fact that they were at rest. Elizabeth asked questions regarding the Northumberly transformations and Catherine and Merida answered as best and as vaguely as they could. When Catherine started getting a little too detailed about something Merida gave her a look and she knew what she wanted. Merida wasn't jealous (at least that's what she was telling herself) but she didn't trust Elizabeth. Her gut feeling was telling her that something was off and until she could identify it, anything other than what Higgs himself revealed was not privy to her. It was Higgs' curse, he should be the one to explain the details.

Luckily, they were able to make it to the mansion in record time, just in time to meet up with the ice delivery man. Merida directed him where to put the second block of ice and Catherine and Gretchen carried in the other in a metal basin inside. Once he was gone, Merida walked in and looked at the large chunk of ice.

"Cat, will ye help me draw some water to start filling up the baths and I can start to work on chipping this ice up. EDGAR!!!" she screamed up the stairwell.

"What can I do?" Elizabeth asked, looking determined.

"My lady!" Gretchen said with a look of surprise at her.

"Oh hush, Gretchen, and pitch in." Gretchen made a face as she turned to Merida. "What can I do to help?"

"I guess ye could start helping Marlow chip at the ice-"

"And risk her sliding off the chisel and cutting her hand? I'll help your maid chop the ice. Give my lady something more dignified." Gretchen growled, starting to unbutton her dress.

"What are ye doing?" Merida asked.

"You expect me to get my good clothes messed up by all this? I'm getting down to the chemise."

"No one wants to see yer ass, Gretchen. An ye are such a nance, then I can get ye some dresses to work in."

"That will be fine. Are you alright with that, Lady Hinkley?"

"It would probably be best if I did change clothing. This is one of my best dresses and I would hate to ruin it." Elizabeth said, looking down at her dress.

"Weel, then give me a moment and I'll find ye something. They're all Gretchen's old rags anyhow; they fit nicely to do housework in."

Catherine rolled her eyes over to Merida as she did the same to her and she turned, heading up the stairs just as Edgar came to the top of them.

"You called for me? Sorry it took so long..."

Upon seeing him, Catherine put her hands over her mouth. "Oh, ya poor laddie..."

"Oh..." Merida said, seeing the pain in his eyes. "I'm sorry, lad, I didnae realize ye were in so much pain. Ye dinnae worry about it. Ye get on back to yer room now. Be a bleetin shame to make ye go down those steps."

"Are you sure?"

"I am. An I had kenned ye was in so much pain, I wouldnae e'en yelled for ye. Ye go back now... I'll make ye a bath a weel. Where is Laird Kans?'

"He's still in that room you put him in before. I checked on Mr. Higgs but I don't think he can get out of bed."

"Thank ye. I'll be checking on him soon as weel. Ye go on back now."

Edgar nodded, waddling back to his room as Catherine watched with a pitiful look.

"Poor lad. Ya best make him somethin' he likes later on or get him some sweeties."

To Love A Myth - Book 2: Mr. Higgs and the Lady 🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now